Corn Dogs||62

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Not to long after Wanda, Nat and Carol came down the stairs. I walk over to Wanda "There was no mission was there? For you or for us." I asked. 

"Your girlfriend isn't such an idiot after all" Nat said. 

I give Wanda a hug and kiss. "How about you go upstairs and get dressed up, I'll come with you." Wanda said.

I take her hand and we went to her room and I got dressed up. "Ready?" She asked, "Yeah just one more thing." I say giving her a passionate kiss, as I pull away, I see Wanda as the biggest smile. We head down to the main room and everything was perfect. We played drinking games which was fun to watch them all get drunk again.

Wanda and I sat on the couch with Carol and Nat just talking and laughing. "Boo!" Someone said coming from behind me. I jump a bit and turn and see Peter, I get up and give him a hug. "I haven't seen you all day." I said. 

"Present time" Tony said. They gathered around me and I started opening their presents which was fun, Wanda told me Carol Nat and her would give me my presents on my actual birthday.

I got to Peters and started to tear up, I never actually said Lion King was my favorite movie, but the fact that he knew it was made me smile. "This is kind of like a couples gift so check the bottom of their feet." Peter said, I turn them upside down and laugh a little when I see that Simba has Wandas name and Nala has my name. I give Peter a hug before we returned to the party.

I gave Wanda Nala and I held onto Simba. "You really are a big softy" Nat said. "Yet you all had a thing for me at some point, funny" I said making Carol and Nat smile and Wanda laugh. After the party Wanda stayed downstairs with me.

"Thank you for today" I said, "Me? I did nothing, today was for Tony and Peter to share their gifts, yours is only starting." She said putting her hand on my leg "Oh yeah?" I asked she nods her head. I bring her upstairs and lay her in bed kissing her.

Wanda's POV

The Next Morning I woke up early to surprise Y/n with breakfast in bed. I head down to the kitchen and see that Nat and Carol are already awake. "You guys are up early" so said grabbing the ingredients out and laying them on the counter. 

"Yeah we wanted to be up early for Y/n's birthday" Nat said "That's sweet" I added. 

I started making pancakes and bacon and then I had to make her favorite snack, cinnamon rolls with iced coffee. I finished and added the frosting on them before heading back to our room. I walk in and set the tray on the nightstand so I could wake her up. 

I get into bed and get on top of her which wakes her up a little, "Babe wake up." I said "mmm" she said not wanting to get up. I start kissing her neck softly and then becoming slightly aggressive to wake her up. "Now who's teasing?" She said fully awake now. 

I get off of her and then bring her the tray. "Wands you didn't have to" I give her a kiss, "But I wanted to. Happy Birthday." She smiles and starts eating. When she was finished I took her plates down the kitchen as she got ready. When she came down stairs Nat and Carol went up to her giving her a hug telling her happy birthday. 

"I'm assuming you guys have something planned for today." She said "You would be correct" I said walking over to her giving her another kiss. "I love you" I said. 

"I love you too." 

"Ok go get ready we have the day planned." 

"We?" She asked, 

"Yes with your 3 favorite people weather you admit it or not" She looks at Nat and Carol. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said making us laugh. 

After an hour we all got into the car and started driving to the skating rank first. "How'd you know I liked skating?" She asked me "Lets be honest you like everything" I said taking her hand "True." We got our right sizes and started going in circles. It took her a while to realize that I rented the place out so no one was with us. 

"Did we come here really early or can you guys see ghost?" she asked. 

"Your girlfriend rented the place out so it could be just us four." Nat says, I give Y/n a kiss before she starts going faster than all of us skating backwards. After a while Nat and I took a break while Carol and Y/n were racing seeing who was faster. "You guys should try ice skating maybe one of you would fall." Nat yelled from where we were which was sitting up against the wall looking back at them. 

I see Y/n coming at us full speed and runs into the wall, but she grabs onto it before she falls making us all laugh "We should do that for Christmas." She said, acting like nothing just happened. "I agree" I said "Same" Carol and Nat said. 

After a bit we decided for lunch we would eat here, our time was up so more people came in. We walked up to where we ordered our food and Y/n got so excited over the site of corn dogs. "Wands, they have corn dogs" She says swinging my hand "I know." I said, giving her a kiss. She hasn't had one in over 3 years so I knew she was truly happy. 

After we ate we brought Y/n back into the car "Where are we going now?" She asked "You like to ruin surprises don't you?" Nat asked "It's my thing." 

I lay my head down on her lap and look up at her, "You'll see." "You know Maximoff I'm gonna have to pay you back for all of this." 

"Don't you dare I did this all for a reason." 

"And what would that be?" She asked, poking my stomach, 

"Because..." I'm about to finish my sentence but Nat turns the music all the way up, "People in the car other than you two" Nat yells over the music making us laugh. 

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