See you in a bit||39

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I woke up at 2 in the morning to a bad dream about Hydra, I sit up on the bed. "Hey, what's wrong?" I turn to Wanda, "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." "It's ok. Bad dream?" She sits up and kisses my cheek, I shake my head yes, "Downstairs behind everything in the fridge are your two favorite drinks, I bought them last week, they might make you feel better." She said, I give her a hug, "Thank you. I'll go get one." She nods and lays back down.

I head downstairs and true enough she's right, she hid them pretty well for a while I thought she was joking. It was my favorite ice coffee and soda. It's not that bad to have it at 2 am it might help me stay up a bit. I was drinking the soda in the kitchen just walking in circles, so I wasn't standing in place.

I heard footsteps I thought it was Wanda or Peter, but I see Carol. "Hey Parker" "Hey Danvers" "Why are you up this early or late?" "Bad dream, you?" She ignored the question and got straight to the point, "Wanda doesn't deserve you." "Excuse me?" She walks slowly up to me, "I said Wanda doesn't deserve you." "That's your opinion, Wanda is everything I've ever wanted." I back up until so I'm on the other side of the island in the kitchen.

"Are you sure about that, I'm sure someone like me could treat you better." "What are you talking about Wanda treats me perfectly." "You got captured 2 times and she wasn't able to save you." "Ok one, none of those where her fault two you didn't save me so your points aren't addin-"

Before I could finish my sentence or even react Carol kisses me, I keep moving my face pulling away, but she used her powers to keep me still, I move trying to use my powers but it's not working, I felt her powers loosen and I phase through her.

"What the hell Danvers!?" I kick her into the wall and I start making my way to the main room, to get Wanda. But before I could everyone came rushing down the stairs.

"What's all the noise for? What's the problem?" Tony asked, "Carol, Carol is my problem. What the hell Carol, I thought you were my friend." I said. "Y/n what happened?" Nat asked, "Carol started kissing me not allowing me to move or use my powers, I couldn't pull." Nat and Wanda look at each other.

"Ok you guys that's enough for tonight. Could we deal with this in the morning?" Tony said from the staircase. I walk by everyone on the stairs and stop when I get to Wanda. "I'm sorry."

I walk into her room. I assumed she was going to be mad, so I started moving the clothes from the chair getting ready to sleep there or on the couch tonight. Wanda walks in and notices what I'm doing "What are you doing?" she asked. "Getting ready to sleep" "Why are you going to sleep in the chair?" "You're not mad?" "Oh no I'm furious but not at you, with Danvers." I sit in the chair and she gets on top of me, "I trust you." I pick her up and place her on the bed. "I need to get this sent off of me I'll be back" I say as she laughs.

I come back out in the bathroom with a new shirt on and get into bed. "Nat and I will deal with the drama tomorrow." She says, "What about me?" "You can join if you're up for it. Till then let's get some sleep." Wanda lays her head on my chest while I wrapped my arms around her.


I wake up to loud talking, not quite yelling but close. I look over and see Wanda was out of bed. They started early. I got ready and headed downstairs I see Peter who was the only one who managed to sleep through the drama last night.

"Hey Y/n what happened last night?" "Carol kissed me." "What?" He walks over and joins the argument, I know this is probably not a laughing matter, but I found it funny how my best friend, brother, and girlfriend all jumped on one person while I was just sitting back just trying to get by.

I walk up behind Wanda and give her a kiss; she was so into the argument she didn't pay me much attention and I laughed quietly to myself. I was listening into the conversation until I heard something that totally set me off.

Repetitive||Wanda Maximoff x Ex Hydra AgentWhere stories live. Discover now