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"You" I said in a low voice, I put my arm around her and brought her into the bed laying next to me and she cried into my shoulder as I just enjoyed her presents. Once her crying calmed down and it was only little sniffles she spoke up, "I could sleep on the couch tonight if that helps."

"What? No, you can sleep with me, it's fine." I said, "Are you sure?" I hesitate a bit not because I was unsure of my decision but because I was unsure of what she wanted. "I'm sure."

The Next Morning

I woke up and turned to my right and saw Wanda still sleeping. I got up and went into the shower trying to clear my head and calm myself down. At this point I was angry but not at Wanda just angry in general and I didn't want to take it out on her, even though I know she would put me in my place. I slammed my fist on the wall trying to keep calm and not loose control of my powers.

All the not eating and drinking was starting to get to me, I cut my shower short and changed into a hoodie and some shorts and laid down on the couch. I started to feel dizzy and buried my head between the couch and the pillow and everything went dead silent.

I woke up starring at the ceiling of my place, I turned my head and saw Wanda sitting in a chair bouncing her legs and covering her mouth with her hands looking at the ground. 

I sat up and her attention went straight to me. "You're ok" She said rushing over to me, "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" "You were passed out the whole day" "Well I'm ok now" "No, Y/n eat something please. Never mind I'm not even going to beg." 

She used her magic to try and make want to eat but my own overpowered hers. "You can't overpower me, but I'll eat if it makes you happy."

I walk over to the kitchen and grab some cereal and milk and pour it into a bowl. "Y/n you need a real meal, please just listen to me." "I am, I'm just..." I pause to take a breath realizing I'm yelling at her.

"What do you want me to eat?" I asked her looking at the counter, she made her way to the microwave and took out a bag of food I assume she had already bought earlier and passed it to me, I look over at her and saw her eyes flickering from a scarlet color, she was avoiding eye contact with me. She was upset that I raised my voice.

"Wands I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell." I said walking over to her trying to stop her from leaving the room. A tear fell from her eye and I whipped it with my sleeve and brought her into a hug.

 "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I was. I'll eat." I said holding her tight. "And drink" She said, "And drink" I repeated.

We walked back over to the kitchen and she watched me eat making sure I ate everything on the plate and that I drank enough water. I check the time and saw that it was 11:00pm. When I was done Wanda made her way to the couch and sat on the end of it with her knees to her chest looking at the tv.

I put the dishes away and joined Wanda on the couch on the other side, I wasn't paying attention to what she was watching even though I was starring at it, my mind just kept racing.

 She was just looking out for me and I yelled at her, I've never done that before. I turn my head and saw she had fallen asleep so I turned the tv off and picked her up and brought her to bed.

I pulled the covers over her and kissed her cheek. I put my arm around her to bring her closer to me and then I fell asleep.

A few days later, I wake up to the smell of someone cooking. I look in the bed and see Wanda isn't here, I go to the bathroom to get ready before heading out. I walk out and see Wanda cooking; I lean on the wall smiling. 

She was humming to music that was playing low. She turns around and sees me, "Hey" she said with a smile on my face "Hey." She turned back around flipping the pancakes and the bacon.

I walk behind her and give her a hug. "What's this for?" I asked. "For us. You always make breakfast, so I wanted to make some for you. The last thing you had that I made was pasta from the first day we met." 

"It was good pasta." "Yeah, but all you really do is boil it, I wanted to actually make something." "Ok then surprise me." I walk over to the barstools watching her cook, then there was a knock.

"Come in." I said, I saw Peter walk in. "Hey Peter." Wanda and I said "Hey, you guys. You both seem better today." "Wanda is making breakfast today." "Nice I haven't had her cooking since the cinnamon rolls." "I forgot she made those too." I said while Wanda laughed. 

"Do you have enough for me to join?" Peter asked. "Yeah, when they're done, I'll get you a plate." Wanda said. Peter pulled up a seat next to me. When Wanda was done, she pulled out three plates and put pancakes and bacon on all three. And we ate at the table.

"Tony, Nat and Carol said they'll stop by later today probably after lunch." Peter said. "Ok sounds good." "Hey, Y/n, I was wondering if tomorrow you'd like to go shopping for your condo, like furniture and stuff. You know bring more you in it, you haven't changed a thing since you bought it." Wanda offered. I smiled "I'd love to." She smiled back and looked down at her food.

After we ate, we watched some movies, I was laying down with my head on Wandas lap, Peter was in the chair next to us and then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Peter said. He got up and answered the door and Tony Carol and Nat arrived. 

Nat jumped over the couch landing on me. Which scared Wanda and I "Ouch" I said. "You left; you deserve some punishment." "Fair." She gets off of me and hugs Wanda. "Hey Parker" Carol said. "Danvers." "Kid." "Stark." The name thing was starting to get confusing.

Tony stayed for a bit but had to go while Carol and Nat stayed. Peter went to go get lunch for us and when he came back, we all ate and watched a few movies until it was dark. "Oh, I need to go get something I'll be back." Wanda said leaving the couch. 

"You want me to come with you?" I asked "No that's ok continue the movie. Can I take your car?" "Yeah, keys are over there." She grabbed my keys then left. "What was that for?" Nat asked, "Not sure, it's probably nothing." 

I lay down with my head on Nat's lap since Wanda had moved. When the movie ended Carol, Nat, and Peter left. I had two more bedrooms, but I liked how it was just me and Wanda. 

I was in the shower when Wanda came back, she knocked on the bathroom door. "Yeah?" "Hey, it's me I just wanted to let you know I'm back." "Ok I'll be out in a bit." I rinsed off and got dressed and headed back out to the living room couch.

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