Fight or flight

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Caitlyns POV:
I've just walked out of school and I literally have nowhere to go, I can't go home my mom and Derek will kill me. Obviously all my friends are at school, the only place I can go is the hospital.

I drove to the hospital, and went straight to daycare. I know Ellie will question why I'm here so early but I just want one of her little Ellie hugs.

I know I need to tell mom and Derek but I know for a fact they will not be happy.

I walked into the hospital and of course the first person I bump into is Cristina.

"Caitlyn, shouldn't you be at school?" She said.

"Umm yeah"

"Well why aren't you?"

"I might have got suspended" I said.

She looked at me with a blank face, she burst out laughing "you got suspended, how?" She barley got out.

"I called the principal an idiot to her face" I smiled thinking about my stupid but funny action.

"Why?" She said still laughing.

"It's a long story, including max punching someone, me swearing at him, and her saying stuff about me getting shot"

"Wow, what a bitch. Anyway good luck telling Mer and Derek, but I need to go"

"Ok bye Cristina" I said as she walked off.

I slowly walked to daycare getting a few confused looks from nurses as they all know I'm meant to be at school.

I eventually got there and walked in, nurse Edith, an elderly daycare nurse walked over to me "caitlyn aren't you meant to be at school?"

"Yeah, but i have the rest of the day free so I'm picking Ellie up early" I lied.

"Oh ok, well she's over there napping" she pointed over to where Ellie was asleep.

I went over and gently shook her away, she slowly opened her eyes and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Hi" she said running her eyes.

"Hi, do you want to go get lunch?"

"Yeah" she jumped up and grabbed my hand. We walked out to the car together.

"Ok ells where do you want to go?" I asked strapping her into her car seat.



I started to drive to the nearest McDonald's which was about 15 minutes away from the hospital. We drove in silence until Ellie broke it.

"Why did you get me so early?"

"Because I'm suspended from school"

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"It means my school kicked me out, but only for a week" I explained.

"Mommy and daddy won't be happy" she said.

"No they won't" I sighed.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I yelled at the principal"


The rest of the car ride was silent. We got to McDonald's and went in, she grabbed a seat as I went to order. I got a sweet chilli wrap with a coke and I got Ellie a chicken nugget happy meal with orange juice.

We ate in silence until she asked "can I get ice cream too?"

"Sure, why not" I smiled.

I finished before her and waited on her finishing, I tried to take a nugget but she slapped my hand away.

"Ow, I only want one"

"But then I only have 3, so back off"

I laughed at how protective she is over her food "what ice cream do you want?" I asked her.

"Hmmm Oreo McFlurry"

I went up and ordered one for her and a caramel frappe for me. I said she could eat it in the car so we could go home. I just wanted to hurry up and tell mom and Derek.

We got home 20 minutes later and when we walked through the front door Mom and Derek were staring at us. Of course they were on the couch.

"What are you doing home, it's only half 1?" Derek asked.

"I got suspended" I sighed.

"YOU GOT WHAT" my mom shouted.

"Ellie go upstairs at play please" Derek said to Ellie and she ran upstairs.

"Caitlyn grey you better have a good fucking explanation" my mom said.

I didn't say anything.

"Caitlyn come sit" Derek said.

Why was he being so nice to me, maybe it's because my mom is screaming at me or he doesn't want to get mad until he knows the story. I don't know.

I sat in between them "caitlyn explain what happened" Derek says calmly.

I don't look at either of them while I explain what happened I just look at the floor. They weren't please at me for calling my principal an idiot, but they were even more angry at the principal for suspending me and not max and for talking about me getting shot.

Derek was very angry, he hated anyone talking about me getting shot because he feels it's his fault since my dad was aiming for him and not me.

"I'm going to that school right now" my mom said grabbing her keys.

"Mom you are not going out like that, look at you"

She was still in her pjs, her hair was greasy and in a messy bun and the bags under her eyes were very bad.

"Right crap, I'll go tomorrow" she said sitting back down. "I'm so angry at you caitlyn, what went through your head. Calling the principal an idiot"

"I don't know mom I'm sorry. It was just me getting shouted at for swearing but max not getting in trouble for literally punching someone. It was in the heat of the moment" I said.

"Your grounded until your back at school, give me your car keys"

"Mom I'm 17 are you really going to ground me?" I questioned her.

"Yeah I am, I'm your mother give me your keys"

"Oh fuck this" I said and stormed out.

I'm 17, I'm an adult in less than 2 months, she can't fucking ground me who does she think she is.

I'm going to the hospital again, I need to find Amelia and ask if I can stay at the old house. I don't want to look at my mom right now, I was annoyed before but her trying to ground me has pissed me off even more.

Sorry there hasn't been a chapter in a while I've not had any motivation. I still don't that's why this chapter isn't the best and is short, but I have 2 days off school so I should have more time.

I have a good story line for caitlyn right now, and no it's not her getting pregnant. Sorry to that one person that really wants her to get pregnant I just feel that's really repetitive and I hate writing when there's baby's.

Mother with teen daughter Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora