Take it

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Caitlyn's POV:
It's been over a month since me and max did it for the first time, we've done it more since then though.

I'm kinda panicking not going to lie, I'm a week late and I'm never late.
I don't know what to do, do I tell my mom, or Amelia, or Lexie. Who the fuck do I tell.

I have to get so school so I'll ask Hannah and Katie's opinion, surly I can't be, can I.

I walk up to Hannah and Katie slowly "hey" they both say happily.

I drag them to where no one can hear me "I'm late"

"No your not school hasn't started yet, your fine" Hannah said.

"No not that type of late" I said.

"Oh, omg. You didn't even tell us you were having sex with him!" Katie said.

"Wait I'm confused" Hannah said.

"I think I'm pregnant" I stated.

"Oh shit" they both said.

"What do I do, I can't tell my mom she'll kill me, I can't tell Lexie because she'll probably tell me mom, and I don't know if I should tell Amelia, I've only met her once but I tell her everything" I said very fast.

"Ok calm down, did you use a condom?" Katie said putting her hands on my shoulders. I nodded and shook my head.

"What does that mean?" They asked.

"We do now, but didn't the first time"

"you need to take a test"

"I can't just walk into a store and buy a pregnancy test, people will see and judge. And can you even buy them at 15?"

"I don't think so" Hannah said.

The bell went, "we'll talk about this later, but caitlyn just tell your mom she can't exactly get mad, she was a teen mom" Katie said and Hannah nodded in agreement.

We started to walk to class, I just stopped walking in the middle of the hall "caitlyn, what are you doing?" Hannah asked.

"I can't be here" I said and ran out.

I couldn't be there, at school I just couldn't. I ran out our school, after I got out the school gates i started walking. I had to talk to my mom.

I walk into the hospital and my mom is in the lobby with Cristina. I go up to her "caitlyn your meant to be at school. What are you doing here?"

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her a side "can you come home, I need to tell you something" my eyes started to tear up.

"I can't, I'm working"

"Mom, please" I started to cry slightly.

"Caitlyn what is it?" She asked.

"I can't tell you here" she hugged me.

"I'll go ask Richard if I can take the day off, he should say yes if it's for you" she said and walked off.

Cristina walked up to me "what did you do?"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon"

My mom came back with all her stuff "come on" she grabbed my hand and we walked out.

We sat in uncomfortable silence the whole way home. When we got home my mom put all her stuff and called Derek telling him she came home and he needs to bring Ellie home.

"Sit" she pointed to the couch and she sat next to me.

"Tell me what's wrong, you know me I won't get mad" she told me.

Mother with teen daughter Where stories live. Discover now