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I was going to make this really long but I've been at gymnastics all day again and I'm sore and tired.

Merediths POV:
It was my wedding day and to say I was freaking out would be an understatement. I woke up in my bed next to caitlyn as Derek stayed at marks last night.

I didn't want a big wedding so it was just some people from the hospital coming.

"Mom get up, your getting married today" caitlyn said poking me.

"No, I'm tired"

Amelia barged in "Mer get your skinny ass out this bed now. You are becoming a shepherd today" she jumped into bed with me and caitlyn.
"Also I have some really good news" she told us.

"What?" Caitlyn asked.

"I'm moving to Seattle"

"What, no way" I said hugging her.

"Ok whatever, get up" Amelia said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed.

When I walked downstairs I made coffee for the 3 of us. "So are you excited?" Caitlyn asked.

"No" I said.

"No?" Amelia questioned.

"I couldn't care less about the wedding part. It's the marriage part I'll enjoy" I told them.

"It's the dirty marriage sex that you'll enjoy" Amelia smirked.

"Ew no" caitlyn said walking out.

I sat drinking my coffee until I heard the front door slam open, my bridesmaids were here.

Cristina, Lexie, Callie and Arizona walked into the kitchen.

"Are you ready to get married" Lexie squealed.

"Too loud, too early" I mumbled.

"Are you hung over?" Callie asks.

"No she's just dreading today" caitlyn answered for me. "Mom if your really that tired go back to bed. We don't need to leave for another 2 hours, I'll look after ellie" she said.

"Oh thank god" I said going back up to bed.

Caitlyn's POV:
It's so cold today, why my mom picked a December wedding I will never understand.

My mom walked back up to bed since we don't get our hair and makeup down for hours yet. I said I would baby sit Ellie which I kinda regret since I already need to walk down the isle with her. Ellie is the flower girl and I'm the maid of honour.

I had to some how entertain a baby and 5 bridesmaids, this was going to be a long day.

"So what do you wanna do for a few hours. Why did yous come so early anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know" Lexie said with Callie and Arizona agreeing.

"I thought I was going to need to talk Mer into doing it" Cristina said.

"I slept here" Amelia said.

"I'm going to grab Ellie" I said and walked upstairs.

I walked past my moms room and the door was open a creek so I walked in to see if she was asleep. I saw her lying there looking at the window.


She looked at me "are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, come here" she said patting the bed.

I went and sat with her "what if he decides I'm not good enough or I end up being a horrible wife" she says.

"Mom you clearly haven't seen the way Derek looks at you. Even if you end up being the worst wife in the world it doesn't matter, he loves you so much. And if he does end up thinking your not good enough for him I'll kick his ass" she smiled at the last part.

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