Losing it

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Caitlyn's POV:
I've been out the hospital two weeks now but I've been on bed rest, which isn't fun. Katie and Hannah have came to visit me a couple times but it's weird, it's like they don't know what to do or say. Max comes round everyday after school, him mom came over once too.

Today I was allowed off bed rest and going back to school. I got up extra early to get ready, I showered, washed my hair, dried it then curled it. I put on jeans and a hoodie and a little bit of makeup.

Once I was ready I walked downstairs to get breakfast, Ellie was sitting in her bouncer, I placed a kiss on her head and she giggled.

I went into the kitchen and my mom and Derek were in there giggling about something. "What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"Oh nothing" my mom said kissing my head and walking out.

"So Derek, got a plan for the proposal yet?" I asked.

"Shhh, but no I haven't. You got any ideas?"

"Do something with the hospital, like put all the surgery stuff you've done together in the elevator or something"

"Wait, that's actually quite good" he smiled. "I just don't know when to do it"

"Do it a night I'm not here, because I know you'll be having a lot of very loud sex and I don't want to be any more traumatised than I already am"

He laughed, my mom walked back in "you ready to go?" She asked.

I nodded, I grabbed Ellie from the bouncer and took her out to the car. Ever since i got shot, we've been one big happy family and I'm kinda loving it.

My mom and Derek got in the car "are you nervous?" Derek asked.

"A little, I just don't want everyone staring at me" i replied.

We got to school "if you want to leave just call me and I'll come get you" my mom said. "Or call me" Derek added.

"Ok, bye love you" I said getting out the car.

Max, Hannah and Katie were all waiting for me at the door.

"Hey" max said giving me a quick kiss.

"Hi" I said back.

"How are you feeling, any pain" Katie asked.

"A little, but I did get shot so it's understandable" I laughed.

They half laughed, it was very awkward.

"Guys you can laugh, it's my way of coping. My dad shot me it not big deal" I said.

They just smiled and we walked into the school. As we were walking down the halls some people were staring, I felt my face went red. I bumped into mrs Geller the guidance counciler "caitlyn how are you?" She asked.

"Oh I'm fine, getting shot was actually kinda fun" I laughed.

She laughed too "see she gets it" I said to my friends.

"Caitlyn if you need to come see me at any point you know where i am" she told me.

"Thanks miss" I said walking to my class.

I had biology first period, I liked biology but I sit next to Hannah and she's useless at it, so she always bugs me to help her.

I walked in and the whole class was staring at me "sorry am I late?" I asked. I knew I wasn't late but I just found it weird the whole class was there before me and Hannah.

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