First night

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An: so I have 20 views which might not be a lot to some people but I don't even expect 1 so thank you!!! This chapter will be short but there might be another out tonight so yeah have fun with it.

Merediths POV:
When we land we collect our bags and went straight to my childhood home. It hasn't changed one bit, I walk into the empty living room then the empty kitchen getting little flashbacks from my childhood.

"Mom what rooms mine" I hear caitlyn shout from upstairs.

"Erm whatever one you want just not the master, you can have my old room if you want" I shouted back

"Okay and what one is that"

I walked upstairs to show caitlyn my old room, it was the second biggest in the house.

"Omg I kinda love it" caitlyn said excited as soon as she walked in

"Why it's probably smaller that your old room" I say confused. Our house in Boston was small only a 2 bedroom but the rooms were massive.

"Yeah but it's cozy if you know what I mean"

I knew exactly what she meant. I just nodded and smiled as I walked to the window getting more flashbacks of when i was a little girl.

"You can paint it whatever colour you want" I said to her

"I might just leave it white" she replied

"Why?" I was kinda confused caitlyn has never wanted a plain white room.

"I don't know, I just don't really care as long as I can have a wall for all my photos. Can I have a wall for my photos?"

"Of course" I replied

I walked out Caitlyn's new room and into mine, it felt weird this being my room, god know what my mom did in this room.

There was already beds in all the rooms which was good. I look at the time on my phone and realised it's 1:17am I should probably get to bed.

Caitlyn's POV:
I wasn't lying when I told my mom I loved the room, I don't know what it is it just feels like home. I was really tired even though I slept on the plane. I opened my suitcase and pulled out a pair of pjs that I packed yesterday with all my other essentials.

The rest of our stuff was in boxes we shipped over a couple days ago.

I put them on and lay on my bed. I was already home sick and missing Georgia a lot, I wanted to call her but she's probably asleep so I just sat and looked through old photos.

My mom walked In and asked if I wanted something to eat before I go to sleep. I was kinda hungry but I didn't feel hungry enough to eat so I rejected, she said night and left. So I just went to sleep.

Merediths POV:
I walk out of Caitlyn's room and back into mine. I was really tired but felt the need to unpack even just a little.
I didn't start work until Monday it was Saturday so it gave me two days to get the house some what together and homey.

I was about to start my 3rd year of residency which is a pretty big year, it's the year where u basically need to make up your mind on what specialty you will have your career in.
I was stuck between general and neuro, I was always really into neuro but my moms a famous general surgeon so all the staff at my old hospital wanted me to get into general which I was leaning towards as they didn't have a very good neuro attending.

I had unpacked a little bit of stuff but ended up really tired so just went to sleep.

As I said short chapter sorry but I'm going to stay up all night trying to finish my 10 missing assignments that were due weeks ago and I know I'll need a break so I'll probably write another chapter. I have an idea of where I'm going with this story but if you have any ideas let me know.

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