Number 3

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Merediths POV:
I woke up feeling nauseous, this is the second day in a row. I don't know what's going on.

I ran to the bathroom and was sick, caitlyn ran in.

"Mom are you ok?"

"Yeah, I need Derek"

"He's not here, he went to work half an hour ago" she told me.

"Ugh, he's always at work" I said before throwing up again.

Caitlyn came and held my hair "are you pregnant?" She asked.

"I don't think so"

"Maybe you should take a test, when was the last time you got your period?" She asked.

Now that I think about it, I haven't had it in a while "I don't know"

"Your taking a test, do you still have some?"

"Yeah the cabinet"

She walked over to the cabinet and handed me one "I'll wait outside" she said and walked out.

I peed on the stick and waited. I don't even know if I want another baby, what if Derek doesn't.

The timer pulled me out of my thoughts "mom can I come in" caitlyn said obviously hearing the timer go off.

"Erm yeah" I unlocked the door and she walked in.

"I can't turn it around, can you do it?" I asked.

She picked it up and she smiled "I don't know if it's good or bad news, but" she paused.

"But" I encouraged her.

"It's positive"


"Your pregnant mom" she hugged me. "Why do you look sad?"

"I don't know, I just don't know if Derek will be happy or if he even wants another baby and we only just had Ellie-" she cut me off.

"Mom you had Ellie over a year ago. And Derek will be happy, he's told me before he wanted another baby with you" she told me.

"He has?"

"Yeah, he just didn't think you wanted one so he didn't ask. He didn't want to pressure you or anything. Do you not want another baby?"

"I don't know, I never wanted kids till I had you then I never wanted another till Ellie. I just always thought after Ellie that's it"

"I'll make you breakfast, what do you want?" She asked.

"We both know you can't cook" I laughed.

"I meant toast or something" she laughed.

"No it's ok I'm not hungry" I told her.

"Your eating for two now so what do you want?" She asked again.

"Toast and Nutella, a lot of Nutella"

She walked downstairs and I got ready for work. How do I tell Derek I'm pregnant again.

Caitlyn knocked on my door "here's your toast" she passed me a plate and my face lit up. The amount of Nutella she put on there, you could swim in it.

"Thanks baby" I kissed her head and she walked out. "Wait are you coming to the hospital today?" I asked.


"Ok be ready in 20"

Dereks POV:
I was sitting in my office doing more paperwork, that seems to be all I do now.

I heard a knock at my door and I was hoping it would be Mer but it wasn't, it was Dr Kepner.

"Dr Kepner what can I do for you?" I asked standing up kinda annoyed, this girl follows me everywhere.

"Dr Shepherd, I just wanted to see if you needed me to do anything" she stepped forward I tried to step back but my desk was in the way.

"No im ok"

"Are you sure?" She stepped forward again and started to rub my arm.

"Yes Dr Kepner I'm sure" I said sternly.

She leaned in and I tried to lean back but she put her hands on my face and before I know it her lips are on mine. I realise what's happening and pull away.

I looked to my side and see Mer looking at me through the glass windows.

"What the fuck Kepner, in fucking married" I stormed out and chased after Mer.

Merediths POV:
I went to go see Derek but I ended up seeing him kissing April. I didn't know what to do, I stood there still until he looked at me. I ran.

"Meredith! Meredith come back Here!" I heard him shouting after me but I didn't listen I just kept running.

I walked into daycare and grabbed Ellie, I then text caitlyn.

Meredith: meet me in the car NOW!

Caitlyn: what why?

Meredith: just please caitlyn.

Caitlyn: ok I'll be 5 minutes.

I saw Cristina "Cristina come here" I was slightly hiding so Derek can't see me. 

"Why are you hiding?"

"I just saw Derek kissing Kepner, I need to get out of here can you grab my things from my locker?" I asked her.

"Give me 5 minutes" she said.

"Meet me at my car"

She nodded and walked away. I saw caitlyn walking out the hospital, I ran up to her.

"Omg mom what the hell is going on?" She asked.

"We're going back to Boston" I said.

Sorry this is short and bad, if you have any ideas for upcoming chapters please comment.

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