...just where did it went wrong?? Why everything has fallen apart into pieces....just....why??...

The younger one is feeling so lonley. His heart is aching. There is a tightening inside his chest, an unexplainable pressure choking him. His throat constricted for suppressing his urge to scream, to sob, to cry....I should just die. Might this pain leave then. Just take me away. I don't want to be here any more..Kongpob prays to whoever is listening to him. Unconciously his eyes shuts as the exhaustion takes over. His emotionally drained mind goes to sleep, to give the much needed rest to its owner.  

The next Kongpob wakes up with a pounding noise hammering his head. Yelling out to wait, he gets up. His lethargic body moves on auto pilot as he manuevrs his way towards the direction of the entrance and unlatches the chain before pulling open the door on pure instinct. His eyes still close and mind groggy. Barely opening his eyes, he squints at the person standing before him.

His guest is taller than him and has broad shoulders. Wearing a leather jacket, underneath a off white t- shirt, dark jeans and white sports shoes. Even though Kongpob's mind is all fuzzy and filled with haze, he is sure that the person definitely has some handsome features. He dips his head a bit in greeting," Swasdee khap! Who are you?"

Instead of a reply, an A4 size of sheet is thrusted in his face. Kongpob pulls the offending paper off him and opens his eyes in order to glare at the man but meets empty air. Stepping a bit, he looks to his right and finds the retreating back of the tall man turning the alley. "What is it?", He glances down at the paper in his hand and as the blank ink printed words made sense inside his brain, Kongpob is hit with another of curve ball thrown towards him by his bitchy life....gah!!
Why life is just so fucking unfair!!!!...

Sighing, the young man sits up. The off white comforter, slides off his chest, pooling in the lap. Rubbing his eyes to wash away the remnants of sleep....ah! I fall asleep...

Picking the edge of the duvet, Kongpob tries to remember if he had taken out the fluffy fabric from his boss's room but comes up blank and reaches to the only conclusion available. It's his jerk of saviour from last night. Leaving the pondering for some time else, he comes to his feet and stretched his arms, a moan passing his lips at the crinks.

Almost a whole week passed since Kongpob has slept under a roof. The unknown guest, he had encountered, was the new owner of the residence and has asked all the tenants to evacuate the place on immediate basis as the building was going under construction within 2-3 days. And cause, Kongpob has not submitted last two months' rent, his deposit money was not returned to him,leaving him penniless and homeless, along with being jobless. Stuffing all his belonging in his black luggage, worn from edges, Kongpob was wandering on the roads and streets, taking shelters under bridges, sleeping on footpaths, while searching for a tiny hole. But being broke as fuck with next to nothing in his bank account, he failed to find even that. He also looked out for jobs, handing over his resumes all over the city, in case there's an opening. But its already a week and there was no news. Previous night was the last straw. Kongpob got his luggage, his only asset stolen from him. The young man broke down in middle of the road under the downpour falling from the sky, realising he had lost all his original documents, marksheets and certificates- things which could had helped him in finding a new way of earning. With the luggage, his only source of hope was gone.

Kongpob looked up at some noise and finds his ex boss aka new husband, fresh from shower, wearing a dark blue jeans running low on his hips, descending the stairs, holding a black shirt in his hand, his fingers busy flying over the phone screen with eyes practically glued to the device. Involuntarily, his eyes runs over the naked torso in display. Water drops clinging to the roots of the black strands, and running in rivulets, all over the hard chest packed with six pack and and flat abdomen, taking shelter in the belly button, before disappearing under the waist band of the jeans.

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