Chapter Thirty

Começar do início

Bishop squinted his eyes before blinking twice and smiling when he recognized her.

"My girlfriend, Whitney."He confirmed and the doctor smiled.

"So far so good, just a few more minutes."The doctor requested and we stood patiently waiting for him to finish.

I could sense that Whitney really wanted to hold Bishop as did I but we held ourselves back. The doctor did all his tests for an additional fifteen minutes before approaching us.

"He's recovering well but still needs a lot of rest and monitoring. I will give you half an hour with him then you'll have to leave him to rest. Pierra can I see you in my office after you're done?"He requested.

"Of course doctor."I replied.

He gave us a polite nod before leaving us alone. Whitney was standing frozen in place staring at Bishop who was staring back at her. I nudged her towards him and it was the push she needed to take the final steps and fall into his arms but still careful not to mess with his wounds. Bishop used his uninjured arm to hold Whitney as she cried into his chest.

Seeing them together helped me relax and realize just how much the two loved and cared for each other. Maybe I was judging Whitney too harshly and she would be there for him if I decided to go to Paris with Andrew. Bishop also looked better so maybe everything would be okay and I'd get to go to Paris after all with no worry after all.

"No love for your big brother?"Bishop asked and I chuckled realizing I had been too lost in thought to notice both of them looking at me.

I carefully approached my brother and gave him him a hug careful not to mess with all the machines he was hooked to.

"How are you feeling?"I asked Bishop taking a seat next to him while Whitney sat on the other side.

"Like I was kicked by a horse then trampled over by an elephant. Their meds aren't working. Babe hook me up with a joint."Bishop pleaded.

As if Whitney and I were thinking the same thing we pinched him simultaneously.

"Ouch what was that for?"He protested.

"Only you Bishop can wake up from coma and immediately think of getting high."I scolded.

"It's a pain reliever."He argued and I rolled my eyes.

"Too bad because you're not getting any."Whitney insisted and Bishop mumbled in protest but didn't say anything else.

We filled Bishop in on what he had missed for the week he was in coma avoiding the heavy topics like his accident, leaving that for when he felt better and focused on lighter topics.

"Pierra are you okay?"Bishop asked.

I focused my gaze on him looking away from the heart monitor I had been staring at for a few minutes.

I had so much in to think about so I was honestly not okay.

"No but I will be."I assured him not wanting to lie to him or burden him with my problems.

"If it's about me, I will be okay so stop worrying."He assured me and I have him a stiff smile.

"If that was my only problem."I muttered.

I must not have been quiet enough because Bishop heard what I said.

"Is everything okay between you and Andrew? Did he hurt you?"Bishop asked and his heart rate spiked a little bit.

"No so calm down, we're okay."I assured him.

"Then why isn't he here with you? Last I checked you two were attached to the hip."He questioned.

The Purple Backpack ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora