Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

My phone vibrated with an incoming message and it was from Whitney with the name and location of the hospital Bishop was in. I wiped off my tears as best I could before heading back to the table where the guys were gathered. I felt bad cutting their fun off but I felt even worse about my brother, so my family won over them continuing to have fun.

Andrew was the first to notice me and he immediately jumped up when he saw my puffy and wet eyes.

"Ivy what's wrong?"He asked holding me at arms length.

"Bishop got into an accident and is at the hospital. I need to go see him."I sobbed and he hugged me to him caressing my still damp hair.

"I'm so sorry baby. It'll be okay."He assured me.

"How do you know?"I asked clutching onto his shirt for comfort.

"I don't but I have faith."He replied and even though I didn't agree with that answer I nodded nonetheless.

"What's wrong?"Ned asked with a slur to his tone.

"We're leaving so everyone go get changed, grab your stuff and let's meet at the car in ten minutes."Andrew replied.

"What do you mean we're going home? The fun is just beginning and its only four in the afternoon."Cass argued.

"Cass I said now, don't argue with me and you're already pretty wasted."Andrew demanded shutting him up.

I didn't want Andrew arguing with his friends because of me but in the situation I was in I couldn't care less.

"Pierra are you okay?"Alfred asked and I nodded even though I clearly wasn't.

"The issue seems like a couple problem, why don't you guys leave and we'll find our own way back home."A very drunk Cliff argued.

Cliff was a jerk when sober but when drunk he upgraded to an even bigger jerk.

"Guys when I said go get changed I meant go get changed right fucking now so we can leave. May I remind you that you're only having this fun because Pierra made it happen. So stop being a dick for once in your life and think about someone else for once."Andrew whisper shouted and I cringed.

I knew he was just looking out for me but I'd never heard him talk like that to anyone. His friends probably hadn't either and were all looking at us shocked by his outburst.

"It's okay babe."I sniffed caressing Andrew's arm to calm him down.

"No it's not okay, they are being inconsiderate."Andrew argued quietly.

He was right but he was also approaching the whole situation wrong.

"I'll talk to them."I assured him patting his arm comfortingly before turning to his friends"Guys it's my idea to leave now, I just got news that Bishop is in the hospital after getting into a terrible accident so I have to go check on him. I'm your designated driver so I'll have to drive you home now."I explained trying to hold myself together.

"Why didn't you just say that dingus?"Ned exclaimed shooting daggers at Andrew.

He would never use such words while sober but he had taken the half priced drinks literally and probably had a little too much to drink.

"I did."Andrew retorted with a huff.

"We'll go change."Cass declared.

He got up helping the rest of his friends who were drunker than him leaving Andrew and I alone. I realized that I had to change too as I was still in my bikini.

"Ivy you can't drive in your emotional state."Andrew argued.

"I have to, I'm the only one who didn't drink."I replied not really in the mood to drive but I had no choice.

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