Chapter 22

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-August 2020-

Josh's POV:

"Just reminding you, 2 weeks left!" Joseph clapped walking past me. This is a nightmare. Joseph gave me a whole month to make Sabrina 'fall' for me, and I had no other option but to go with it. There has been progress. Her and I have gotten to know each other better and we've hung out almost everyday.



wanna hang out today?






Just kidding

Am I over Liv? I don't think I'll ever be. But I have to pretend I am. I can't blow this for her or else this would be pointless. I know one day this will all pay off.

The group chat called. I took a deep breath and smiled, answering the call. "Hey, hey! What're y'all doing?!" I asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Wait guys, I'm talking with Liv. Talk to you all later!" Sofia waved at the camera and hung up.

"Umm, last time I check you were dying?" Frankie noted, raising one of his eyebrows. "What happened to the heartbreak?" 

"I know! IT WAS A PRANK!" Dara called out. Yeah, I wish.


"YOU GUYS-" Frankie covered his mouth to keep himself from screaming.

"People!" I laughed. "I moved on. You know, I, uh, I need to keep going with my life. It's been two weeks." I cleared my throat. Keep it in, keep it in, keep it in.

"Okay... that happened." Matt eyed me suspiciously. "This seems completely fake." He blurted out.

"Yeah, what's the real reason?" Julia asked. They were cornering me and I didn't have an answer.

I sighed and tried to come up with something logical. "I...found someone." I lied. Soon it wouldn't be a lie, so telling them now wouldn't hurt.

"You found someone?" Dara asked confused.

"You broke up with Liv because- you found someone 'better.'" Dara realized, taking a step away from the camera. I looked over at Larry, who was quietly taking all the information in.

"No, you didn't do that. That's not the Josh we know. That's not the Josh that who was cast on the show. That's not the Josh who dated Liv." Frankie shook his head slowly.

"You used her?" Matt uttered, clenching his jaw. "Do you know what you did? Josh, you used her!" He raised his voice tone.

"I didn't do that." I scoffed. "I was trying to prot-" I stopped myself in the middle of the sentence. "I didn't use her." I answered sternly. "You don't have to get on defense about it." I mumbled.

"What? Of course I do. She's like my sister. I care for her the way I thought you did. Answer this, what do you call dumping a girl for another one? A quote on quote better one?" Matt questioned. Everyone silently agreed. 

What did I get myself into?

"Josh!" Joseph called out. Yes! For once, I'm glad he interfered. "Sabrina is outside waiting for you." He informed, smirking. Not that type of interfered!

"You're with Sabrina?" Dara plotted everything together.

"I, uh- I have to go. Talk to you guys later?" I asked, uncertain. I didn't hear an answer from any of them. "Okay." I scratched my neck awkwardly, hanging up. I walked out and was met with Sabrina, who was wearing light blue jeans and a crop top. 

"Hi." She smiled, looking up at me.

"Hey. When I told you to hang out I meant in an hours or so. I could've dressed better." I looked down at myself.

"It's not like you have to dress for me or something." She giggled. I chuckled and walked out with her. "Hope you don't mind, Sarah is sticking around with us."

"No. She's a really cool person." I smiled at her. "Where are we going?" I asked, getting in my car. I saluted Sarah, and we had a small chat before we headed to a restaurant.

Olivia's POV:

"So, enough about me. How are you?" Sofia asked.

"Uh, good. You know day by day." I stifled a laugh.

"How are you and Josh? Has he answered any of your texts?" She asked. I didn't want to talk about him, or even think about him, let alone explain that we broke up.

"We haven't talked a lot." I answered, moving around in my bed uncomfortably. Sof got a message, her face completely changed after she read it. "What?" I asked, concerned.

"Uh, I- um, you know how you and Josh broke up?" She asked, chuckling nervously.

"How do you kno-" I was interrupted with her voice.

"He has a girlfriend." She blurted out.

I rolled my eyes, not fully processing what she'd told me. "Pfft, like I care abo- WHAT?!" I sat up on my bed, pulling the covers off me. "Who is it? Do I know her? Is she his ex? Is she Sabrina? Is-" I started.

"Ding ding ding." She smiled awkwardly. "That's her name." She nodded. 

"Sabrina Carpenter." I breathed out.

"HER?!" Sofia gasped. I nodded and burst out crying. I hated that I had to cry, but I'd never felt so much love for one person. "Oh, Livvy. I'm sorry." She gave me a sympathetic look. I couldn't even talk. What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I not enough?!


"Pick you up in 5." Cameron chuckled through the phone.

"No, I really don't want to go anywhere." I groaned, pulling the covers of my bed to my face.

"Livvy, you can't stay inside forever." He sighed.

"That's funny, we're currently in a pandemic." I rolled my eyes. "And it's getting dark."

"Who said anything about going outside? We can spend the day with Iris and crash at my place." He proposed.

"No." I shook my head.

"Please." He begged. "Come on, we can listen to Taylor Swift in the car. Or let me rephrase that, we can cry to her songs."

I gave it some thought. "You win." I gave in, standing up from my bed.

"I always do." He smirked.

Cameron and I have gotten to know each other better the past two weeks. He's really goofy and bright, though he does have a dirty side, which is hilarious. He became my rant buddy and a best friend too.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon