Chapter 39

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-December 2020-

Olivia's POV:

The holiday special was out, it was Josh's birthday and the drivers license teaser came out! I was really excited about it, although I didn't have high expectations. It was my first song that wasn't from the show I would release, it was going to take hard work to get to the top, but I was determined and excited to do it.

"Cameron, stop making us laugh, we're filming something very important!" Iris whined. I laughed, agreeing.

"I'm not doing anything!" He raised his hands. Iris and I sat up straight on my bed and started the video. We were pretending to be YouTubers.

"Hey, guys welcome to our new video, today we're going to doing makeup on Webcam." Iris yanked him in the frame. "He's a very happy person when he wants, I don't know why he isn't smiling right now." She stomped his toe.

"OUCH!" He yelled.

"In our new video we have Cameron handling pain like a girl." I joked smiling at the camera.

"I'm not a girl." He stood up straight and nudged my side. I laughed quietly at the way he changed when I made that comment.

"So! Let's start!" Iris smiled pulling out all the products.

"This is gonna be boring so let me say a joke." He cleared his throat.

"Oh no." I mumbled. He laughed and started.

"What's the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman?" He asked. Iris and I shrugged, not able to think about the answer. "Snowballs." He smirked.

"Ew." I answered, grossed out.

"What!? It's a snowball! You take some snow make it a ball-" He explained, trying to look innocent.

"Just stop." Iris shook her head. He laughed while we shrugged it off. 

"Alright, here goes another one.  Why is Santa's sack is so big?" He asked.

"I don't know, there are too many houses and he only comes once a year, so he's got- Oh." I figured it out. "You're a very dirty minded human being." I laughed, hitting his chest weakly.

"What?! He only comes once a year and he's got a lot of houses to visit. What's wrong with that?" He questioned.

"You know what's wrong with that." I eyed him knowingly.

"I don't, but you could show me." He smirked, capturing my lips with his.

"Be right back, I'm about to barf real quick." Iris spoke up. I pulled away and laughed at her faking her death. I noticed the disturbance on his face when I drew back from him, which made me fidgety.

"This video is a fail and it's all thanks to Stupid, over here." Iris ended the recording.

"But if I can't help myself?" He questioned. Iris and I rolled our eyes and started again.

Josh's POV: 

"How does it feel now that you're not in your teens?" Sabrina asked. 

"It feels like I'm old." I laughed. "No, I'm kidding. It feels like a normal day, it's just that I'm spending it with you, waiting to stuff cake in my mouth, and I'm excited for the EP to come out." I smiled. We were in her car, since she got her license about 3 months ago. She claimed she was going to drive us everywhere now, which I was fine with. We waited for the cake we ordered and then left back to her apartment to eat it with Sarah. It was just the 3 of us, but I wasn't in the mood for a big party.

"Happy birthday." She stopped us in the middle of the parking lot to kiss me.

"Thanks." I grinned and walked in with her.

Olivia's POV:

"Look what I found." He had a panda in his hand. My squishy panda. "I did a makeover, he looked boring and dusty." He laughed. I took it from his hands and ignored the tears I felt. How did he even get it?

"It's, umm, nice. You covered it with red paint, it looks like someone killed it." I forced a laugh, looking down at it.

"Yeah, I was bored. That looked bored too." He shrugged.

"Yeah, umm, I just remembered that I have a- uh, a family dinner I should get ready for, you guys should leave now." I lied.

"Oh, okay." Iris packed up and hugged me goodbye.

"Bye, Liv." Cameron leaned in to kiss me but I dodged him and gave him a quick hug instead. I didn't see his face after I did that, and instead pretended to look busy looking for clothes in my closet.

Once I heard them say goodbye to my parents and walk out, I locked myself in my room and wept about my panda. 

Josh's POV: 

It's, like, 10 minutes before midnight. I'm back in my apartment, and I'm pacing around my room. I pulled Olivia's panda from by suitcase and placed it on a counter, I sat on my bed and stared at it. I felt a little guilty I took it, but I was going to return it to her once we were back from the Christmas break.

She had put her panda in her dressing room, then one day I was walking and in a toy store found the exact same one, so I switched them and took hers with me. She said everything she told this thing on her birthday came true, I was hoping it could do the same with me.

How was I supposed to hold it? How loud was I supposed to talk? Did I have to think about it and not say it? Was I supposed to squish it?

I sighed and grabbed it with one hand. "I wish to get control of my life back as soon as I can." I whispered. I probably looked really stupid talking to a toy, but no one could see it. 

So, no. There wasn't any magic dust that came out of it, or some golden light, or any movement, not that I expected to feel something. It was like blowing a candle in after the birthday song, except there was no candle or a song. There wasn't any difference after my wish, but I still hoped it would come true.

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