Chapter 38

871 16 202

-November 2020-
-Right after last chapter-

Josh's POV:

I was locked in my dressing room, thinking over all the problems I had, and the problems I was getting myself into, when someone knocked on my door. I was shocked to see Frankie when I opened the door. We don't really talk anymore.

"You need to explain what you were thinking when you broke up with Liv." He pointed at me, while he barged in.

"Um?" I questioned, closing the door.

"Thanks to the layer of nothing the walls are made out of in our apartments, I heard everything that went down in the morning." He sat on the couch. I closed my eyes and sighed. Could this be any worse?

"It was either our careers or a breakup. I saw the breakup as something she could overcome." I sat next to him.

"But then, why did you go to Sabrina?" He asked, puzzled.

"I was forced to. Joseph said something about gaining more fame, but it turns out it was all so his spoiled kid could get it his way." I scoffed. 

"I don't know if I should be mad, or give you a hug." He agonized. "Why didn't you tell Liv that when you had the chance?" He asked me.

"What is that going to change? She isn't going to believe me now that I punched Cameron and I literally followed her to the party." I noted. "It's worthless now."

"Maybe if you start with an apology?" He suggested. We stayed quiet, him still shocked about everything, while I figured out a way out of this. "If you need a hand I'm here now. I just thought you played Liv, but... yeah." He side hugged me and stood up. I nodded and watched him walk out. 

An apology for leaving? For 'moving on' too fast? For what?

I walked out and bumped into the one person in my mind. Olivia. "Oh, um, sorry." I apologized. She didn't even look at me. "Wait!" I walked behind her. She paused and turned to me. "I'm sorry."

"You just said that. It's not even that big of a deal, we just walked into each other." She pointed out. 

"No, I mean, I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. I'm sorry for not giving you enough time, I'm sorry for holding you back when you could've clearly been free and not wasting time with me, I'm sorry for not being there when I said I would, I'm sorry for not keeping the promises I made. I'm really sorry." I explained. My palms were sweating and I was shaking lightly.

"The only thing I'm sorry for is giving you my all without you wanting any of it. You don't mean what you're saying, you just say things and then expect everyone to believe them." She countered. "I know that better than anyone else." She ended and turned around to walk away.

"No, that's not true." I softly grabbed her arm to get her to stop walking. She winced when I put my hand on her. I furrowed my eyebrows and lifted her sleeve. "What's this?" I asked, mentioning a small red spot, turning into a bruise, around her wrist.

"Uh, I fell- while I was walking to the second floor." She shoved her sleeve down. 

"No you didn't." I pulled it up again to examine her arm closer. A fall like that would leave the type of mark she had. "What happened?"

"Do you think I'm going to tell you, out of all people?" She yanked her arm off my hand and walked away.  

Okay, that happened.

Olivia's POV:

Um, so... Cameron was mad after Josh punched him, he let out all his anger on me and grabbed my wrist a little too tight, that's all. My skin is extremely sensitive to everything.

"Hey, Liv are you okay?" Sofia stopped me.

"Yeah, why?" I looked up at her.

"Nothing, you just look a little drowsy." She pointed out. I nodded and shrugged it off, walking into my trailer. 

When will I ever get some peace and quiet?

"Liv, we're waiting for you on set." My AD knocked on the door.

Josh's POV:

"This is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad." I hesitated, walking back and forth.

"Dude, sit down, drink some water, and calm down. It's alright we'll find a way to help her." Larry sighed.

"Why is she so stubborn?!" I asked them. They looked at each other and shrugged. "Why is she so- Ugh, why is she everything?! Why does she have to be so perfect?!" I asked, frustrated.

"Josh, you're losing it. You can't do anything about it-" Matt started.

"But he can. Just come clean. The real clean." Frankie suggested. "She would know the truth because she knows you." 

"But I betrayed her. She even said it to my face. She doesn't trust me." I answered.

"She'll still hear you out." Matt acknowledged. I shook my head and sat next to them.

"No. I'm not ready for that. I don't want her to know that. You guys can't say anything, I don't want anyone else knowing, either." 

"Too late." The three of them replied, pointing behind me.

"Dara! Hi! Tell me you didn't hear that." I worried.

"I didn't hear that." She answered, doing what I had ordered. 

"Okay, now say the truth." I clucked.

"I heard it, but I'm lost." She admitted. There goes somebody else that knows.

We explained everything to her, ending in her suggesting I shouldn't tell Liv. They were all giving their opinions, which only made everything inside of me chaotic. If I didn't tell her, everything would stay the same. If I did, I had no clue what could happen. It's not like we would magically get back together... 


I forgot I didn't actually tell you guys my age :P

i'm a mess :D 

but none of you were right I'm................................................................ 13 :DDDD

so yeah, most of you are older than me. i guess i just have a mind of an older person, but thanks to all of you who guessed an age!!

(and to all of you who are 20 and stuff, i would feel pretty weird reading a story from a freshly new teen, idk about you guys :PPP)ANYWAY SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now