It's the end.

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-November 2033-

Josh's POV:

"Austin, listen to me. If you have five apples, and you get six more how many do you have?" I asked, helping him with his math work. He was not getting it, mainly because he didn't want to pay attention.

"11!" His face lit up.

"Yeah, so now put up eleven fingers." I sighed, tired of repeating the same thing.

"Dad, Karry took my toy!" Mia whined, running to me. 

"The dog is named Harry, with an H." I laughed, sitting her on my lap.

"Karry, with and H." She nodded. "Okay, got it, daddy." She grinned, jumping of my lap.

"Karry with and H, give me back my Barbie's hairbrush, jerk!" She yelled.

"Hey, language!" Liv exclaimed. "Four year-olds don't say jerk."

"Daddy laughed when I said it the first time." Mia snapped. Liv turned to me and shook her head in irritation. I shrugged, laughing.

"That's not true." I denied.

"Lies are bad, daddy." Mia shot, swinging her waist to the side.

"And who made you so sassy?" I lifted my eyebrows, crossing my arms.

"Sofia and Frankie, duh." She rolled her eyes, before she went back to chasing Harry.

"DAD, DAD, I ONLY HAVE TEN FINGERS!" Austin shook me. 

"What?" I turned to face him.

"You said to put up eleven fingers, but I only have ten! I'm not a human, UFO's are going to take me to the sun and burn me there!" He started crying. I looked over at Liv, who was hiding her laugh. 

"Okay, bud, go and take a break." I patted his shoulder, dismissing him. "Look, this is exactly why we should give our kids puzzles instead of computers. He thinks he going to be burned by some alien."

"It's just a phase, he'll get over it eventually." Liv chuckled. 

"I'll miss you Mia, my time was short here." Austin cried.

"Let me go, moron whose armpits smell like rotten cheese." Mia whined. 

"This is too much." I mumbled, flopping down on the couch.

"Yeah, well you still have this one, and these two." She pointed to Gracie, who was eating strawberries next to her, then her belly. 


Liv was having twins, and they weren't at all expected. The only one we ever planned was Mia, then the other four just came as a surprise when we less expected. I didn't mind having a big family, since I grew up in one myself, and Liv thought it was a fun experience, growing up as an only child. 

It was challenging to raise them and still have our careers, but it wasn't impossible. We were able to record music and do semi-big projects, and still be there for their most important moments. 

"Dad, I will forever love you, but I will be leaving at midnight." Austin hugged me.

"I heard that UFO's use kid's brains and swallow them to be smarter, so they can outsmart the whole world, you have to be careful around them or they'll eat your guts." I joked, trying to sound scary.

"They do?" He whimpered. I nodded, hiding the lie. "MOM, DON'T LET ME GO WITH THEM!" He cried louder, hugging her waist.

"Joshua, really?" She sighed, picking him up.

"What? The kid thinks UFO's are going to burn him with the sun!" I raised my arms, trying to prove a point.

"That kid is your son." She rolled her eyes, comforting him.

"Come on, he's six years old, he can fight his own battles." I laughed.

"How did I end up with five children from you?" She exhaled, wiping his tears away. 

"Do you really want to know?" I smirked, standing up. 

"Our kids are in the room." She closed her eyes, really close to slapping the heck out of me.

"Dad, where do babies come from?" Mia asked. I chuckled nervously, glancing at Liv.

"Your problem." She mouthed. 

"Well, you see, there's, uhh, a mom, right? and a dad, of course. And soooo, they start a little game called-" I tried to keep it as PG as I could.

"They come from amazon, sweetheart. If you and someone you love sell a part of your soul, you get a baby in return." She smiled. 

"Yup, what your mom said, anymore questions?" I asked, fixing her braids.

"So, I came in a box? Cool!" Austin grinned.

"Umm, well, technically-" I started.

"You don't know when to shut up, do you?" Liv questioned, glaring at me.

"I'll shut up now." I nodded, picking up Gracie. "Who's ready for bath time?!" I exclaimed, tickling her.

"NOOOOOO!" She wiggled her way out of my grip.

"Three kids in six years, and you still have no idea how to handle them." Liv mumbled. I laughed, picking up my guitar. 

"Hey, Gracie! I have Strings!" I chuckled, sitting down on the ground with the guitar. 

Strings was what she named my favorite guitar, I kept it because I thought the name was adorable. "Yay!" She squealed, sitting down in front of me. 

"Do you want to sing one of Mom's songs?" I asked, then she nodded, clapping. I started playing, watching her stand up and dance.

"Nice, Bassett, you're making a two year old sing about a breakup." Liv laughed, sitting down to help Austin with his homework.

I chuckled, and waited for her to end the song. "Alright, now, should we do something else?" I put my guitar to the side.

"Like what?" She asked, getting closer.

"Like, taking a bath." I wrapped my arms around her and didn't let her go.

"Nooo! Mommy, help!" She cried, while I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. "NOOOOO! HELP!" She yelled.

"Did Frankie teach you how to yell that high?" I asked. She nodded, doing it again. "I'm going to kill him the next time I see him." I muttered, getting everything ready. 

"Daddy, I love you." Mia whispered behind me, before she ran out of the bathroom. I smiled, and answered back. 

If you would've told me the reality right now when I first technically met Olivia at the auditions, I would've probably just laughed right in front of your face, saying it was unrealistic, and life didn't take so many unexpected turns.

 I was 18 and dumb, but loving Liv was something that came so easily to me. We clicked, but didn't notice that for a long time, which was an interesting journey, but the best thing that ever happened in my life.

Olivia's POV:

Josh and I got our happily ever after, after all. We don't regret anything we did, because it all lead to where we are right now, and I wouldn't change my family for the world. 

We knew our lives weren't going to be all flowers and floating hearts, so it was easier when it came to the tense times, because we were there for each other, and we knew we would make it out of it. We tried to let go out of all the bad times, and the good times too, so we could live in the present and enjoy every moment of it. 

That was our story.

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