Chapter 28

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-August 2020-

Josh's POV:

I'm a mess, I'm a complete mess, and it's all my fault. I can't help but wander off to some of the many memories I made with Liv.

- Flashbacks-

"Josh." She tugged my shirt. We were cuddled up in her couch, watching some Romcom. Her stomach was hurting and she didn't feel at her best. I turned to her with a concerned look on my face, silently telling her to keep talking. "Thank you." She wrapped her arms around me tighter.

"For what?" I smiled, brushing some hair off her face with my fingers.

"For being here. When I'm with you I act differently. In a good way. I smile more and laugh more. I don't have to pretend everything is okay when it's really not. I don't feel hurt or alone when I'm with you. Instead, I feel safe and loved. You're easy to talk to, and you listen to me. I don't have to worry about holding back to you. I really appreciate that you're here." She looked up at me. My smile grew as I pulled her to my lap and attacked her face and neck with quick pecks. She giggled and played around with my curls. 

"I love you so much."  I pulled her into the biggest hug ever. "You just don't understand how big my love for you is." I rubbed her back softly. 

"I do, cause I love you the same way." She answered, kissing the back of my ear lightly. I pulled her to my lips and smiled when she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. She pulled away ever so quickly. 

"Wait, don't pull away...Not yet." I whispered hoarsely. I brushed her lower lip with my thumb, fixing my gaze on her lips. She smirked and connected our foreheads. "Please." I nuzzled our noses together. A quiet giggle escaped her lips before she smashed our lips together. The feeling of our lips moving against each other is something I'll never get over.

- · · · -

"Who made you so pretty?" I asked her, as she brushed her teeth. We were in my apartment, getting ready for set.

"Would you stop making me blush?" She spit out the paste. I grinned and hugged her from behind.

"What can I say? You're gorgeous and I just can't keep my hands off you." I kissed her neck lightly.

"Josh, I'm wearing sweats and one of your over-sized shirts." She pointed out.

"Yep, and you manage to rock them." I answered, taking my phone out to take a picture. She cleaned her mouth and posed for the camera.

 She cleaned her mouth and posed for the camera

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"I love it." I smiled at the few pictures I took. I made my favorite one my wallpaper and we walked out hand in hand.

- · · · -

"Can you come over?" She pouted through the phone. "It's like 20 minutes away."

"But it's really late, and we both have to wake up early for set." I pointed out. "I'll come over tomorrow." I proposed. She nodded, but was still a little sad. "Do you want to take a picture?" I asked. Her face lit up and she smiled. Liv is the kind of person that has to record everything, or at least take a picture of it.

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