Chapter 29

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-September 2020-

Olivia's POV:

"Can we talk about something that doesn't involve Joshua?" Cameron groaned, tipping his head back in boardom. He came over when I told him I hadn't gotten out of my house since beginning of August.

"Then put a topic that doesn't involve guys, music, curly hair, brown eyes, love, mint chocolate chip ice cream, blondes, people older than me, dating-" I noted, rolling my eyes. I had developed a somewhat sassy attitude which I mainly got from Cameron.

"This list is never going to end, is it?" He asked. I shook my head, and looked away. My mom walked in my room and looked around with disgust on her face. 

"Olivia, honey, I don't know what's been going on with you these past couple months," She started. I rolled my eyes knowing where the conversation was going.  I'd managed to avoid the topic of why I was a mess so far, but it was going to come out eventually. "but you really need to clean your room." 

"It's my room, I can do whatever I want with it." I talked back. My mom was dumbfounded by my comeback but covered it with a stern look.

"Olivia, this is my house. As lon-" She responded, but I chimed in.

"This is your house? Then go clean it." I snapped back. Cameron sat awkwardly next to me and I felt a little sorry he had to hear this. I turned around to face Cameron, who didn't know what to say.

"I am trying to have a serious conversation with you." My mom cleared her throat.

"Yeah? And I'm trying to subtly avoid it!" I replied, rolling my eyes. And at that moment, I felt like I was invincible. She gave me a long stern glare and walked out. 

"That was something." Cameron spoke up. I nodded shyly, looking down.

"Sorry you heard that." I apologized, tucking my hair behind my ear. I fiddled with my fingers as I felt some tension reach up to my head, and my eyes started to water.

"Oh, no. It's fine. It kinda reminded me of my parents. We always had fights like those." He chuckled. I nodded again, trying to hold my tears inside, but they took over me. "What's wrong?" He embraced me.

I hated that I was crying, but that went away when he wrapped his arms around me protectively. I felt cared for and noticed. "Why is it so hard?" I cried into his shoulder. He rubbed my back softly, sighing.

"The breakup?" He asked. I nodded, weeping in his arms. "Because you're used to waking up knowing he's yours, and when you go to sleep you know in the morning he's still going to be yours. It's all about what you're used to. It's like a bad habit you're trying to let go but can't quit yet. But once you do, you'll realize how bad it was for you and how much better you deserve. It's all in your head now, bubs." He comforted me. 

I pulled back in wonder. "Bubs?" I questioned. 

"It's a nickname." He shrugged. I didn't really bother me so I didn't say anything else about it. "Do you want to do something? We can go out, I could bring you ice cream, or your computer and we can watch a movie."

"I feel like guys have this misconception that ice cream and movies solve everything, not to call you out or anything, but most of the time that just doesn't really do anything." I opened up.

"Well, I'm not a girl expert. You guys are just too hard to understand most of the time." He laughed. I chuckled and nodded sniffling. "One day, hopefully some time soon, you'll realize that you wasted too much time crying over him." He blurted out. I didn't have anything to say, so I stayed quiet.

Was I going to regret this? How would he know? 

"I just hate seeing you so lifeless. I'm going to be completely honest, he moved on for you Liv. He doesn't care and he never did. That kinda hurts but it's the truth. Understand what I'm saying. You lost the past but you still have the future." He revealed, looking at me straight in the eyes, then something clicked on me. I wasn't sad about it anymore, I was mad. Mad that I let him play me that way, mad that he had the guts to end our relationship through a phone call, mad that I worried about him so much, mad that he made me believe a world he never meant, mad that he promised me so much yet left like I was nothing more than a far away friend. "Do you think you can take something else?" He asked me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before he showed me his phone. 

Oh. Of course! Since she's older they can hang out outside and do whatever they feel like, unlike me, because I'm still a minor!

I looked at the picture and huffed. It was Josh and blonde holding hands, walking through some abandoned hill. Until I realized. "I can't believe this, he took her to one of our places. We used to drive to that hill almost every month." I huffed again.

"That's madness." He shook his head. Right then Dan called me. 

"Hey Liv, the label is asking for another song by the end of September, I was hoping we could start today unless you have plans." Dan explained.

"Yeah, totally. I don't have anything important." I answered. Cameron turned to look at me and nudged me. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. "I have to go to Dan's, can you drive me?" I asked him. He nodded and walked out.

"How long are you gonna take?" He turned back around to face me. I laughed and shrugged.

"Don't know. You, yourself, said girls are too hard to understand. Sometimes we don't get ourselves either." I chuckled. He laughed and walked downstairs.

After I got ready I walked downstairs and avoided my parents so I didn't have to explain anything to them, at least not yet. "That took you a whole hour." Cameron laughed. I smiled as I walked in the car.

Josh's POV:

"This is calm." I smiled. We were sitting on a blanket, just admiring the silence.

"Yeah." Sabrina answered, looking around. Let me rephrase that, this is awkward.

"Wait, what's wrong?" I asked her when her face didn't seem fine. 

"No, it's just, I'm not a big nature lover." She explained. "It's sort of disturbing that there are bugs everywhere."

"Oh, yeah. I get that. I just thought that this wasn't a crowded place so it would be relaxing and we wouldn't have to worry about fans catching us." I noted. "Do you want to go back? There's no point on being here if you're uncomfortable." I shrugged slightly.

"That would be good, thanks." She smiled, standing up. I stood up with her and kissed her forehead, agreeing silently.

This place brings back so many memories I made with Olivia, a lot of them. I guess I just took her here because I wanted to relive those memories.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin