Chapter 42

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-January 2021-
-Right after last chapter-

Olivia's POV:

"Matt is telling us to go the ER and be there for Josh. You don't have to go, though. I will, so you'll be alone for a little while if you choose to stay." Sofia stood up from the kitchen table. I walked out with her and we got in Larry's car.

The car ride was silent. We were too anxious to talk. Sure, I had seen that Josh wasn't on his best. He was messier, unfocused and uncoordinated, but I blamed it all on how harsh the internet was treating him. I didn't think it would be that bad.

"How is he doing?" Larry asked, as we walked to Matt.

"I don't know, no one has said anything." He worried.

"I'm sure everything's fine though." I said under my breath. Frankie and the rest arrived a couple minutes after, assuring themselves this wasn't going to be bad and he was going to turn out fine.

Cameron called me so I stepped aside for a little while. "Hey, I'm bored." He laughed. "Wait- are you in the hospital? Don't tell me you actually went because of the douchenozzle." He asked, mad.

"He's still important to me, Cameron. I can't just pretend I'm not worried." I scoffed.

"Are you saying you still feel something for him?" He raged.

"No." I denied. "But I- we've known each other for a long time, and it's just hard to see someone you loved go through a challenge like this." I explained.

"Oh, so you still love him?!" He fumed.

"I'm not doing this with you. Not right now. Don't call me if the only thing you're going to do is make my day worse." I scoffed and hung up. I couldn't believe it. That was intense, and I immediately regretted yelling at him. No one deserves to be yelled at.

I shook it off and sat down with the rest. It took all night, but at 2 AM, a doctor came out of a hallway and talked to Matt.

"Everything's good. He had a little trouble at the beginning but he's fine now. He's just anesthetized." Matt smiled at us. "Does anyone want to go see him?" He asked looking straight me. Ummmm...

"I want to go, before he wakes up, you know." I laughed nervously. Everyone looked at me astonished, but didn't say a word. I followed the doctor to the room, just to see how he looked, then, I would walk right out.

I guess he looked better. He was pale and skinnier, but somehow he was still smiling while he had his eyes closed. I smiled at how goofy his own smile was, but shook that feeling off. I turned around and knocked into some tools which made a loud sound when they fell. Dang it, the universe really doesn't like me.

"Liv?" He asked. His voice was hoarse. He hadn't called me Liv in a very long time.

"Hey." I smiled softly. "I don't want to cause you any more stress so I'll just go." I started to slowly walk out.

"Wait. You're always good company." He smiled, he was slurring his words. Olivia, he is full of anesthesia, he's basically drunk, don't stay.

I walked back to him and sat on the chair next to his bed. "So, I guess I owe you an apology?" I fidgeted with the rings in my hand. He shrugged and laughed. "What?" I asked.

"Remember that time you kept on falling when you skated?" He asked. He was really struggling with pronunciation.

"I still have a scar on my knee." I showed him. He laughed at it; It was like a kid's laugh. Then I got an idea. Ask him why he broke up with you.

No, don't. He just got out of surgery.

He probably won't remember this.

He probably won't remember why he broke up with me.

He remembers when I kept falling when we skated, he has to remember why we broke up.

"I don't feel my arms, or my legs, or anything really." He laughed. I chuckled, shaking me head slightly. "You look happy. A happiness I wouldn't have given you." He reached for my hand. Stay still and wait for him to say something else.

But he didn't. He didn't talk, and I couldn't just end it with that. "What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well, after the whole thing with Joseph it turns out Cameron was behind all of it." He smiled sadly at me. How was he conscious but unconscious at the same time?

"He was behind what?" I questioned. My heart started beating faster because I felt that whatever he was going to say, it wasn't good.

"Hey, Liv! Do you want any more time?" Sofia asked me. I looked at Josh, who was still smiling and nodded at Sof, smiling as well.

"Everybody else came?" He asked.

"Yeah, we wanted to be here for support. Everyone is outside." I explained. "But, umm, back to what we were talking about, what was it about Cameron you were-" I was interrupted by him.

"Look, I have a bracelet in my arm." He weakly lifted his wrist with his other hand, letting go of mine.

"It's on your wrist, not your arm." I corrected him.

"But, I wanna say it's in my arm." He pouted. I missed that pout, and it made me tingly inside. OLIVIA, NO. THIS ISN'T HAPPENING.

"It's not in it, it's on it." I answered.

"I'm still going to say it's in my arm." He grinned. 

"Wait, you were talking about Cameron. What about him?" I asked, trying to bring him back into the conversation we were having a few minutes ago.

"I don't know a Cameron." He shrugged, with his focus somewhere else. He was literally acting like a toddler. I took my phone out and showed him a picture. 

"This Cameron?" I questioned.

"He's mean." He answered. 

"Why?" I tried to get it out of him.

"The only reason we broke up is because I was forced to end everything with you. I was told I needed fame and you weren't going to give it to me, so I had to date someone like Sabrina who was well-known. When he came in October, after the party he told me that he forced his dad into ordering me to break up with you." He explained.

Josh wasn't thinking straight. That doesn't happen, people don't force others like that, and as much as Cameron was annoying, he couldn't do that.

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