Chapter 47

964 17 201

-February 2021-

Olivia's POV:

It's my birthday!

Josh's POV:

Oh, Gosh. It's Olivia's birthday and all I can think of is the many times I said 'I'll wait for you until you're 18'.


"Josh, we're in planet earth." Matt snapped his fingers. 

"Sorry, this song is in the key of boring." I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, I told you to chose a playlist and you didn't. The joke's on you." He chuckled. Liv walked in the Hair-and-Makeup trailer, with the biggest smile on her face. She was greeted with a bunch of birthday wishes, but I stayed silent and kept my head down.

"Livvy is an adult now." Matt hugged her. "But, whatever, you're still a baby."

"Head up, Bassett." Dan groaned in frustration. I was too much to handle for him. I danced around in the Makeup chair a lot, I would often look down at my phone, and I would mess my curls after he'd 'tamed' them. I apologized and kept my head up.

Everyone wished Liv a good day, but I chickened out and left before she saw me.

"She saw you walk out." Matt sighed, walking out of the trailer a few seconds after I had. "You could've said something to her." 

"No, I can't. I made her a promise." I messed my curls in frustration.

"Cool. That doesn't mean you don't wish her a good birthday." He walked behind me.

"You don't understand, Matt." I tried to walk away, but he was fast enough to keep up with me.

"Okay. Could you explain it, then?" He laughed.

"Nah." I suddenly stopped walking. I turned around to face him and I took a breath. "Later?"

"Yeah, I have a scene to do in a couple of minutes anyways." He nodded. I walked to my dressing room and locked myself in there. 

The morning didn't go well. Fortunately, I didn't have any scenes with Liv. 

I was scrolling through my feed, when I heard a knock on the door. "Hey."

"Hi." Liv smiled. "I came to check on you. You didn't look really good in the morning. You don't have a fever do you?" She asked, putting a hand on my forehead.

"Yeah, don't worry. I don't need to go to the ER." I joked.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She questioned. 

"Um, I guess not." I shrugged, unsure.

"Let's just talk about it. I'm sure you'll have less stress once you do." She walked in. Oh, okay.

"I don't want to cause you any stress." I joined her on the couch.

"You won't, it's fine." She smiled, reassuringly. Okay?

"You want me to be completely honest, or can I skip stuff?" I asked. She shook her head, so I nodded and began. "I don't know. I guess, I feel really guilty and discomfited about the fact that I promised you today, and I promised to tell the whole world about us, but look at where we are now." I shrugged, avoiding her gaze.

"I mean, it's not like you could escape from the situation you were in." She consoled me. "I understand now your intention wasn't to hurt me, or to break the promises."

"Yeah, but, I still feel bad." I sighed.

"Some people aren't made for each other, maybe that was a sign." She shrugged. No! This isn't the way I wanted this conversation to go! "Let's just forget about that now and just have a normal friendship, without drama of any kind."

Friendship. That word stung me like a bullet.

"No, yeah. I would like that." I forced a smile. 

"Okay." She beamed, throwing a pillow at my face.

"Hey, what was that for?!" I laughed, throwing it back.

"I could ask you the same thing!" She stood up and tossed it to my face.

"Only, I actually have an answer!" I grabbed a cushion and smacked her head with it.

"Weird, Bassett. Who told you I didn't have one?" She laughed, throwing them back at me.

"Okay, well. What's your answer?" I chuckled, grabbing the heaviest cushion and aimed it to her. It slammed her to the ground. "Oh my gosh, Liv are you okay?" I rushed to her, hesitantly.

"For letting me drive alone through the suburbs, that was my answer." She groaned, sitting up. I chuckled and helped her to her feet. Was I supposed to be happy we could joke about that now?

"In my defense, I am the reason you blew up." I laughed, shrugging. "Can you blame me?"

"Okay, well, that was for not listening to Taylor Swift these past couple of months." She chuckled.

"Excuse me? What about yesterday when you replayed Betty like 20 times?!" I laughed. "All I remember was you yelling 'I'm only 17, I don't know anything, but I know I miss you.'"

"Well, yeah, because now I'm 18 and I don't relate to that song anymore." She scoffed playfully.

"That doesn't mean you know everything." I rolled my eyes. "It's not like there's an age limit to songs, Liv." I laughed.

"But I'm an adult now." She grinned.

"Ooooh, that's so fun. Welcome to the world where you pay taxes!" I answered, excitingly. We talked a while after that, then she left to film.

"Matt, I need help." I hesitated.

"What's up?" He asked. 

"Oh, great, Larry and Frankie are here too. So, umm, remember how you said that Liv was totally over me?" I asked. "Turns out, you were right."

"Why? Is she with somebody?" Larry asked.

"No, she simply said she wanted a 'friendship with no drama.'" I bit my lower lip.

"Josh, don't be stupid. I'm not letting my Jolivia ship fall. It's very simple, if two ex-lovers can remain friends that was never love or always was." He shrugged. "She, just, doesn't see it like that."

"So, you're saying there's still something. Okay. Well, what do I do?" I paced back and forth.

"Start as strangers. You guys haven't talked as friends in a long time. Get to know each other again." Larry suggested.

"Hang out again, then become best friends again, then fall for each other again, then date again, then propose to her-" Matt explained.

"WOAH! Hold on. I'm still processing how to hang out again." I stopped him. "It's easier said than done.



can you help me with my schoolwork?
i have no idea what to do

"I think it's going to be fairly easy." Matt chuckled, looking at the text.

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