Chapter 18

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-July 2020-
-A couple of minutes after last chapter-

Olivia's POV:

"You have to leave already?" I whined, not letting go of him.

"Princess, I could get in trouble if I'm not on time." He tried to get me off his lap. "Please. I really need to go." He kissed the top of my head quickly a couple of times.

"Promise me you'll call every week." I extended my pinky.

"I can't promise that if I'm not sure I'll keep it." He answered. "I'm really sorry."

I sighed and gave up. "No, it's fine. I understand." I moved to the side so he could get up.

"I love you. I promise I'll at least call you once at night or whenever I get time." He bent down to kiss me. I held his neck to keep it for longer.

"Okay. I love you too." I slapped on a smiled. He grinned and left.

Now I'm bored.

Cameron's POV:

"Iris, I was thinking, what if we go to Dan's together?" I asked her.

"I guess, you haven't seen him in a while." She shrugged.

I smiled, everything was going perfect. "I'll pick you up at 11."

"11, don't come earlier." She warned. I laughed at that.

I'm the type of person that is early to everything. I mean, better 3 hours early than a minute late, am I right?

Josh's POV:

"Hey!" I smiled when I saw Sabrina in the studio. We've gotten close. She's an amazing person. "What a surprise."

"Hi." She greeted me. "I have a few ideas for the song we were talking a about last time." She smiled.

"You do? That's great!" I exclaimed. She showed me a couple of voice recordings and different lyrics, we found a piano and let our imagination flow.

We wrote really bad lyrics, but we also wrote really good ones too. "What do you think?" She asked, writing the final lyrics down. We called it 'Heaven Is You'

"I love it." I smiled. "The melody and the lyrics, it was the idea I had in mind."

"I'm glad we could get that out." She smiled back. "I should probably go now. I promised Sarah I'd watch reruns of Glee with her. We're both super obsessed with that show." She giggled.

"Wow, I've only seen Glee twice." I laughed. Both of those times were with Liv. We talked a little more after that, then she left.

Cameron's POV:

"I told you at 11." Iris groaned in frustation.

"It is 11!" I laughed, walking in her house.

"10:36 is not 11, Webcam." She rolled her eyes.

"Can you not call me Webcam?" I opened the fridge and got a coke.

"No, you're annoying." She walked around, getting ready.

"I liked it better when you called me Cammy." I walked closer to help her with her makeup bag.

"That was, like, 8th grade." She cringed at the thought.

"What about, like, Camazing." I nudged her. "That one is cool."

"That one makes me want to barf." She falsely smiled. "Nothing you say will make me change my mind that your nickname is Webcam." She brushed her hair. I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch closest to her.

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