Chapter 26

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-August 2020-
-Right after last chapter-

Josh's POV:

"Hey guys!" Tim approached us. We greeted him and had a little chat. Then he informed me that no one else could be in the mansion other than the cast and crew. Sabrina and I walked out hand in hand and I drove her back to her place, apologizing. I went back and started filming with Matt. So far so good.

"Alright guys, it's time to take your shirts off." Tim yelled. We nodded and unbuttoned them. I was somewhat mad about it. Since October of last year I had been going to the gym because I knew I was going to have shirtless scenes in season 2, but the virus struck and then I ate absolute garbage after that. Basically, the shape I once had is gone.

After all that, I recorded 'The perfect gift is you' and was released from set. The swimming made me exhausted, and the anxiety that Liv was here made it worse.

"See you soon, Josh." Tim waved at me. I turned around and waved, walking backwards until I bumped into something.

I turned around and so did-


She was wearing a beautiful golden dress with a high ponytail. She looked extremely gorgeous, but when did she not? I met her eyes and it only took a split second for all of our memories to flash through my head. She looked so broken and lost. I did that to her, and now I can't take it back. I took a few steps back and rushed out without saying a word.

I ran to my car and looked for my keys. I looked in my back pocket, then in the front and around but I couldn't find them. A few seconds later I found them in my back pocket, I shoved my guitar in the car and harshly sat on the drivers seat. "Fuck!" I hit the steering wheel, frustrated. I saw how Olivia ran in another outfit and approached someone. He was tall and skinny, leaning against a car. He looked up at her and opened his arms worriedly for her. Who is he? What gives him the right to hold her like that?

That topped my anger and I drove away as fast as I could. I opened my apartment roughly, grabbed the first thing I could reach and threw it against the wall. I heard glass break, which caught my attention. I walked over to the shredded pieces and worked out it was the gift Liv had given me for Valentine's day, the picture frame. It was broken in a million pieces, I couldn't fix it.

I broke into tears, and fell on my knees. She's gone. How could I put her in so much pain? Was I selfish for breaking up with her?

I heard so many voices. Matt yelling me I used her, my dad telling me that men don't cry, Joseph pushing me into things I didn't want to do, Liv's voice through the phone when I told her we were breaking up, and it wandered my head on loop.

Olivia's POV:

"What happened, Liv?" Cameron asked me. I closed my eyes and I sobbed on his chest.

"I- I sa-saw him." I answered, hugging him tighter.

"Josh?" He asked, rubbing my back slowly. I nodded, trying to forget about the moment Josh and I looked into each others eyes. "What did he do?"

"He- was w-with Sab-Sabrina in t-the eve-evening an-and then he- bum-bumped into m-me when I w-was get-getting ready t-to leave." I explained. He pulled me closed, sighing.

Cameron's POV:

Did I think they loved each other this much? No, I didn't. I'm sort of regretting this. She'll take a really long time to get over him, even more since they work on the same show.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked her. She was shaking in my arms, and I felt a tad of guilt about it. She nodded, embracing herself in her jacket. The drive was quiet, and full of me glancing at her. She thanked me as I walked her to the front door. I gave her a long hug and left.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now