Now, what?

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-April 2027-

Olivia's POV:

"Okay, it's fine, maybe you caught a bug or something." Sofia shrugged, handing me my toothbrush. 

"I don't know, you've thrown up a few times..." Julia noted.

"I do not want to think what you're thinking right now." I dodged the topic, roughly brushing my teeth.

"Liv, have you thought about... maybe taking a pregan-" Dara chimed in.

"NOPE, I am not pregnant. I will not be any time soon, I have a tour in three months and that will not be happening." I shook my head violently.

"Umm, I actually kinda already bought ones for you." She took the box out of the cabinet. 

"You actually did that." I breathed out. "I'm not taking them, I'm not pregnant, guys, okay?" I walked out of the bathroom with my head held high. 

"So, I guess it wouldn't hurt if you took one." Sofia noted, while the rest agreed.

"No." I forced a laugh, walking back to my computer.

Was I just pretending I wasn't freaking out? Yes. I didn't know if I was pregnant, but there was the woman's intuition part of me that said I was. Hopefully, it was all in my head.

"Well, we're going to get ready for the party, sorry you couldn't come." Julia hugged me, while the rest packed up.

"No, it's alright. I'm not in the mood of passing out in front of a bunch of drunk people." I joked, while Sofia and Dara hugged me. I waved at them, as the closed the door, then rushed to the bathroom.

It was going to be negative, it had to be negative. I was 24, and in the peak of my career, I could not have a baby now!

I took a deep breath and took the test, keeping my mind fixed on it turning out negative. What would I do with a kid? It needs time, and love, and more time. Other than that, it's not only my career I'm carrying, it's Josh's too. What would he say about it?

Josh's POV:

"Hey, sugar, I'm home." I chuckled, taking my shoes off at the entrance. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw that the living room was empty, other than Taylor cuddling in between Harry's legs(The cat and the dog). They did so much together, she even believed she could catch a ball just the way Harry did. "Babe?" I asked, walking around. It was quiet, so I doubted she was home, although she didn't tell me she was going somewhere.

I opened the door to our bedroom and found her laying on the bed. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Um, hi, baby." She saluted, covering almost her whole body and head with the comforter.

"What's wrong, you're feeling sick?" I bend down, kissing her forehead.

"Yeah, I threw up about an hour ago. I just want to rest." She smiled slightly, while I interlocked out fingers together.

"Alright, I love you, I'll cook dinner for us." I grinned, quickly pecking her lips before I walked out.

Olivia's POV:

How was I supposed to tell him I was pregnant? How was I supposed to tell him that his baby was inside of me?

It's not like we didn't plan kids, but we really don't have time for them. Josh will be going on tour in a month and I'll go in my own in three, it's a busy year after that, with a lot of studio sessions, recordings, and interviews.

"Dinner's ready." He peaked his head full of curls into the room, with his goofy smile. I couldn't help but smile as well, walking to the table with him.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now