Chapter 52

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-May 2021-

Josh's POV:

"That's me. I am the impulsive one, yes." I laughed. "I don't know, I liked the idea so I went for it." 

"And you decided not to tell your sister?" Claire asked, rolling her eyes.

"That's on you. I made a few post about the song and you realized a day later." I chuckled.

Feel Something was out and I was really happy. I FaceTimed Liv a few times everyday; She was good and so was I. She was in London and kept the whole cast updated on what was happening. After all, it was her first big performance. Not to mention, I was extremely proud of her.

Did being friends hurt? Yes, a lot. I made me very uncomfortable, but on the bright side, it was a reason for me to try to be a little bit more with her.

"You couldn't call, Jonah." I heard Hannah say.

"My name is not Jonah." I laughed.

"Whatever, Jackson." She rolled her eyes.

"What?" I laughed.

"I'm sorry, who are you? You're just never around." She shrugged.

"It was one phone call!" I pointed out. "I have a life, unlike you."

"Burn! Jojo for the win." Winter clapped.

" I already have one, but I guess you need an IQ to actually see that." She snapped back.

"OH! Hannah Montana made a comeback. What do you say about that, Jojo?" Winter laughed.

"Did she just- Did you just call me Hannah Montana?" Hannah asked, clearly mad about it.

"I'm older, I don't care." Winter boasted. Yes, this is my family.

Olivia's POV:

So, I was supposed to be quarantining for the Britt awards. It was really cold in the little, old, house thingy we were at. There was a fire place, so we used that to keep the house warm. 

Today, I woke up with the worst headache in my life, and went straight to the bathroom to throw up. There goes the bagel I ate yesterday.

"Livvylu, are you okay?" My mom walked to the bathroom.

"I feel horrible." I immediately brushed my teeth. "Why is it so smokey in here?" I asked.

"The fire place. We found a way for the heater to work, though." She answered, helping me walk back to bed. "You don't have a fever, that's weird." She said to herself.

"Can I get some water? My throat is sore." I asked. She nodded and went to the kitchen. This couldn't be happening a week before my first performance.

"Liv, get some rest, okay? I'll be in the other room if you need me." My mom brought me a couple of things. 

"Okay, thanks." I smiled weakly. I felt dead.

My phone rang, and I smiled when I saw Josh's ID on the screen. I picked it up and watched his smile drop when he saw me. "Wow, am I really that scary?" I chuckled, then regretted that since my stomach started hurting. 

"What bug did you catch?" He asked.

"I have no idea, but I just threw up and my head hurts." I frowned. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." He sympathized. "I have oatmeal cookies, though. They'll just have to wait until you come back." He smiled. 

"Thanks." I returned his smile, and then coughed. "The smoke in here is horrible." I groaned, since my chest hurt.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now