Chapter 51

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-April 2021-
-A few hours after last chapter-

Josh's POV:

I woke up with Liv in my arms, and I hugged her tighter. We were finally back to what we were before. "Livvy." I whispered in her ear. "It's 1 PM." I chuckled. She moved around, fluttering her eyes open, confused. "Hey." I beamed. She smiled slightly, looking up at me, then hid her face back in my chest.

That was the cutest thing ever and I'm lowkey sad I didn't take a picture of her. I smiled and grabbed my phone. I sent a picture to the group chat with Larry, Matt, and Frankie.



*picture of Olivia cuddled on him* 
good morning 
today is a very beautiful day :DDD 


look who changed the name of this gc, ONCE AGAIN. 
good morning btw


frankie really? 


jolivia endgame I'm telling you guys 
it was cute when you guys were dating and you would act like besties 
and now that you are besties you act like a couple 


what he said, but um.. 


status please. 

I was in the middle of explaining everything through a text when Liv stood up. "I'm hungry." She stretched. I stood up and stretched my arms and legs as well.

Olivia's POV:

This time, though, I'm not going to fall in ANY tramp. I won't be Oblivia anymore. I'm Olivia 2.0, or something like that.

"Can you cook scrambled eggs?" I asked him. 

"Pfft, no. If it's kitchen related, considered me a kindergartner." He answered. An hour later our food was finished. "This tastes horrible." I took a bite.

"Amazing." He chuckled at the same time I said 'horrible.' 

"What? Are you serious?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's better than anything I could ever cook, that's why it's amazing." He explained.

Say it, it was now or never. 

But actually, it could wait.

"I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something." I blurted out. I guess we're doing it now, then.

"Yeah, go ahead." He look up at me. I appreciated that I had his attention, but us not breaking eye contact gave me jitters. 

I took a breath and began. "I don't know where to start, so I'm just going to say it. I'm really tired of getting close to people and then watching them leave like I'm nothing." I sighed. "And, I don't feel like tolerating that right now. Yesterday was a very weird and terrifying day for me and I was out place, and it's not that I'm not grateful you were there because I don't know what I would've done alone, but it's just that... I really can't do this. I was vulnerable and when someone is there for me it never ends good. I don't know how to trust anymore and this isn't fair for me or for you. We're just friends and yesterday was out of line but we're back to before, right?"

Josh's POV:

Everything inside of me stopped and I could only focus on how it physically hurt me that I led myself on and thought there was still the most minimal, slightest, possibility of us giving it another try. She was right. It wasn't the right timing for any of this, but I some part of me thought it was going to be easier. After yesterday, I don't think I could ever go back.

"I, uh, well, umm, I just-" I stammered. I had no idea what to answer. I didn't want to agree because I wasn't comfortable with what I was agreeing to, but I also couldn't put her through all this. "Um, no, I get where you're coming from." I looked away. I swallowed every word I wanted to tell her and nodded. "We're friends." 

"Okay." She replied. 

My phone rang, and it was Larry spamming the group chat so I could answer the questions I didn't get to. "Umm, I have to go, but if you feel scared or anything I can come right back. Call me if you need to." I forced a smile, walking to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"Okay, bye. Thanks for staying." She half-smiled, watching me put on my shoes. I nodded and opened the door.

"Lock it this time." I reminded her, before I closed it. 

Olivia's POV:

So, I posted something on Instagram and tried to not go on it afterwards but I failed. I read the comments on my posts and completely lost it. I wasn't sad, I was empty and I felt unlovely.

'why is her wardrobe so bad? '
'she's the definition of 🤡'
'i cant believe dl has the recognition it does that song is trash'
'she looks fat💩💩'
----You're right
---- :o
---- yeah 

Was I gaining weight?

I went to the bathroom and stood on the scale. I did gain a pound since last month. Was that considered fat? Was I overweight?

Josh's POV:

"It really hard to get heartbroken over and over again." I closed my eyes. I was in a call with Larry, Matt, and Frankie. They basically became my therapists.

"They're like mini-heartbreaks." Larry acknowledged.

"What happened, Frankie? I thought you said they loved each other." Matt groaned in frustration.

"I didn't say they would get back together, though." Frankie defended. "Here, Liv said you guys were friends, therefore that means she feels nothing for you."

"Love and trust are different things." Larry noted.

"Okay, we're finding out if she feels the slightest thing for Josh, which is why he'll pretend he likes someone." Frankie proposed.

"No. I'm not doing that. I'm dead serious." I shook the idea off.

"Then what do you want to do, Josh? You're all over the place." He asked.

"I don't know. This past year has been a whole I don't know!" I complained. "Maybe it just means not doing anything at all." 

"What?!" The three of them asked.

"Look, it's been a whole year and I've gotten nowhere with her. Maybe I should just stop trying to find a way. It doesn't work." I noted, grasping the steering wheel harder. "Maybe this means it's time to move on." I added, quietly.

"NO. I am not letting this happen." Frankie snapped. "You are, one hundred percent, forgetting how stubborn Liv is. She won't confess she feels something for you just like that." He explained.

"Yeah, Frankie has a point." Larry shrugged. 

"But any way I go, she pushes back! How am I supposed to get anywhere with that?" I questioned.

"Put yourself in her shoes for a second. She had never experienced such a strong love with someone else! Then, you simply walking  away, pretending everything was fine, completely closed her. She's learning how to trust after you, without an option, broke her heart into a million and one pieces." Frankie explained, moving his hands around the whole time.

"Jeez, you don't have to be so dramatic about it, though." I listed.

"Oh, honey, I'm Frankie. When am I not?" He sassed. Matt and Larry laughed and I slightly chuckled. "But, you can't give up. Just try until the third season is over, please." He begged. The rest nodded, so I agreed. I wasn't going to give up that easily, I was just frustrated it didn't work; I'll simply find another way.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin