He thought he may combust into flames on the spot, as the ginger gave him a charming smile, "I am. I've been looking for a place to crasg for a while now: and I don't think I can find a better deal than what you're offering."he paused, "I'm Noriaki Kakyoin, by the way."

Jotaro nodded, and he had managed to calm down. "Mhm, so, how soon are you thinking you'll be able to move in: so that I can prepare the house."

Kakyoin paused at that and he thought for a few moments - wondering. He thought for a split second that he should comeup with some excuse to decline the offer out of the blue, simply because, now that he was getting a good look at him: his future roommate was really pretty. Ussally, he'd only use the word 'pretty' to describe women, but despite how masculine the taller man appered the redhead found a strange beuaty in his rough features. Not to mention he had gorgeous eyes that were lined in feathery lashes. He was thinking about how there was only one bathroom in the apartment. How they'd have to share and take turns when they needed to shower. His mind led itself down a rabbit hole with those thoughts - it was only natural since it had been almost three years since he'd been intimate with anyone. Also, it was clear that Jotaro found him attractive as well - the flushed look on his face earlier for the brief seconds it was there had said it all. So: yes, Noriaki was going through a bit of a crisis now. Could he really behave himself around someone so teasingly cute? Or would he end up making a fool of himself within the first week?

He sighed, and gave Jotaro a smile. "I'll move in this weekend. Does that sound good?"

The ravenette nodded, and his voice was a mumble. "Sounds good to me..." he swallowed biting on the inside of his cheek. "Can I have your phone number? So that we can keep in touch and update each other - of course."

"Of course you can, cutie." he dropped a wink, as he scribbled down his number onto the poster with a pen he always carried. He tore the corner off that he had written on, and handed it to the flustered Jotaro. He made a phone with his pionter and thumb, holding it up to his ear. "Call me!" he laughed lightly as he walked away leaving the other man dumbfounded.

Jotaro stared after him and groaned, as he slipped the piece of paper into his pocket. "Good grief...what have I gotten myself into?" he looked over at the board, and tore down the extra poster he had put up. Guess he wouldn't be needing that.


Jotaro sat back and watched as Kakyoin carried in box, after box full of his things. He had wanted to help the other man - but he was a bit too busy watching the man's muscles work as he carried the boxes through the slim door of the apartment. Anyways, he was also pretending to be reviewing a paper one of his peers had written: so he had to keep staring at the page blankly in order not to get caught by the redhead. He tilted his head up, watching as Kakyoin carried a glass-habitat across the room, and he wondered what was in it for a moment before a slim green-head popped up. A forked tongue flickers out and the snake starred right at the other man.

The taller stood up, "Woah! Woah! You didn't tell me you owned a snake!"he called out, and he backed up from the table: shaking a bit. He tried to play it off, but it was too late his phobia kicking in rapidly. "I mean it's fine. Just make sure it stays locked uptight!"

Kakyoin paused and he set down the reptile habitat. "Oh? Are you scared of snakes, sweetie?"

Jotaro bit the inside of his cheek, "No! I'm not. I've just seen a snake eat an animal three times its size, whole, on Animal Planet one-too-many times. And quit calling me pet names it's weird." his face was flushed now: in a mixture of embarrassment at his own fear, and being called for the second time they've met some cutesy pet-name. He wasn't used to that. Maybe things like 'sexy', but definitely not 'sweeite'.

The redhead laughed gently, "It's okay if you're scared of Hierophant. Lots of people are, don't worry: I won't let him roam."

The ravenette nodded his head, "Good." he paused for a few moments, "Wait, your snake is named Hierophant? As in, the tarot card?"

Kakyoin looked surprised, "He is. How did you know that? Hardly anyone I meet understands the namesake. They just think I made some word up."

Jotaro rubs at the back of his neck, "The man who practically raised me, Avdol, was really into that kind of stuff. Guess it rubbed off on me because," he cupped his hands over his mouth and called. "Star!"

A massive full-bred German Shepard came bounding into the kitchen, where Jotaro had been fake reading. He nearly toppled his owner over, as he tried to jump up on his fluffy tail wagging back and forth like a whip. Jotaro laughed softly and he pushed the dog down onto the floor again, he held him in place as Star attempted to tackle Kakyoin too. The dog had likely been sleeping somewhere and had just woken up to find the stranger, Jotaro rolled his eyes. What a useless mutt he owned.

"This is my baby, Star. Alright, "he glared at the over-excited animal. "If you calm down you can go say hi."

Star simply sat down on his butt, his tail sweeping across the floor: as his big blue eyes turned to Kakyoin, staring with a dog-like grin. Noriaki was chuckling softly at the exchange between the owner and pet. He glanced at Hierophant's enclosure to find the Ball Python had reared up and was tasting the air, though, he wasn't agitated - for there was no hissing. The snake sneaked up the side of the cage and slipped out the top: expertly unscrewing the latch with his body. The creature did this, as his owner was distracted by Star who was released to lick and sniff all over Noriaki. The redhead laughed and gave the big dog all the attention he wanted.

"You are just the cutest dog I have ever seen!" Kakyoin swooned, "Yes, you are!" his silky voice shifted into a high-pitched baby voice. He began to rub Star's belly as the dog rolled over, 'Who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!"

The redhead heard a distressed groan, and he looked up. He gasped and rushed over to Jotaro, who was frozen stiff as Hierophant slowly made his way up the man's arm. Kakyoin grabbed ahold of the snake and slipped it off of the other man, who shivered and almost collapsed against the wall. The ginger began to apologize profusely, as Star walked up and sniffed at the snake - who in turn decided to go and wrap itself around the dog gently.

"I'm so sorry! He is a little escape artist! I hope he didn't scare you too badly-" Jotaro cut the shorter man off.

"It's fine...It's fine. Wasn't that bad..."he eyed the snake as it dropped to the floor off of his dog, and slithered across it - Star pounced after it: and to Jotaro's shock, he found that the reptile wasn't even bothered. It seemed that Hierophant was used to other animals.

Noriaki shook his head, "I'm still sorry. It was careless of me to look away from him like that. I'll get a new habitat this weekend - one that he can't slither out of." he spun around as he said this, and scooped the snake up. Hierophant was a bit fussy going back into his cage, but he did so without causing any more trouble. The shorter man gave his new roommate a shy smile. "Well: I guess I'm off to my end of the house."

Without another word, Noriaki entered his room and closed the door - catching Star in the nose with it as he tried to follow. The dog sat down in front of the door: pouty. Jotaro rolled his eyes and he walked over to the animal, patting his head. "Don't look so moppy. Kakyoin will come out of his room soon- and maybe," Jotaro swallowed. "Just maybe I'll let Hierophant come out sometimes too."

He gestured for the dog to follow, and he did, "Now:what are we going to make our new friends for dinner?"   

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