Chapter 54

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Peeta pov:

I wake up and Katniss is still sleeping. She's so beautiful. I kiss her forehead and she starts to stir, her eyes open and when she sees me she smiles.

"Morning handsome" she says.

"Morning beautiful" I say. She scoffs.

"I'm as beautiful as you say" she says.

"No, your much more beautiful than I say" I say and she blushes. I love it when she blushes.

"Aww your so cheesy" she says.

"Did you have a nice night?" I ask.

"Of course, you were there" she says.

"Aww your so cheesy" I say mimicking her. She giggles. I love it when she giggles. I get out of bed and stretch my arms. She gets up and does the same. She fixes her cropped tank top and goes to the bathroom. I don't hear the shower. She come out of the bathroom a couple minutes later. I see she put on light makeup and I think she brushes her teeth. I go into the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth. We go downstairs and I see her parents and her little sister. Her mother looks at me suspiciously. But she soon smiles.

"Hey mom" Katniss says.

"Morning Katniss, hello Peeta" Katniss mother says.

"Hey little duck" Katniss says to Prim.

"Hey Katniss. Did you get your college letters yet?" Prim asks. Katniss gives prim a look but soon softens.

"No but me and Peeta are supposed to get our letters later today" Katniss says. I sit on the counter and Katniss makes us coffee. I realize Plutarch hasn't said anything.

"Here" Katnis says handing me a mug of coffee. I smile at her.

"So me and everyone has an announcement to make" Katniss's mother says. Me and Katniss look at her. "Well after the school year ends Plutarch and I are going to move to district 4 and Prim is going to extend her trading as a nurse to a very prestigious school" She says. Katniss's mouth hangs open. She looks a little angry but she soon softens and looks happy.

"I'm so proud of you little duck" katniss says to prim.

"Me too, I can't wait to watch you graduate, but I will miss you" prim says.

"Awww primmy" katniss says and gives prim a hug. Soon everyone leaves and it's just me and Katniss. We haven't changed. Katniss gets up and I follow her. She goes to her room and as soon as we sit on the bed our phones ding.

"It's Panem University, and Yale and Harvard!" Katniss says. I only applied to Panem University. I look at Katniss and nod.

"Ok I'm going to check Harvard first" she says she taps on the email and starts to read it. She frowns.

"I-I didn't get in" she says sadly. I comfort her but she jerks away.

"I'm fine, ok let me check Yale" she says and I nod. She taps on the email and smiles.

"Eeeeeee I got in Yale!" She says. I hug her and she smiles at me.

"Ok now Panem University together" she says. I nod. We both tap on the email and we both smile.

"I got in"

"I got in"

We say in union. We both cheer and smile. We are both going to college. But what if Katniss chooses Yale.

"Peeta I'm going with you" she says.

"But what about Yale?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Unless Your there I'm not going to Yale. I'm going to Panem University" she says. I smile and kiss her. I can't wait until college!

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