Chapter 22

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Katniss pov:

Peeta's mom is such a pain god I wanted to punch her in the face so bad but I didn't want to get in a fight with Peeta's mom. I am driving home when I get a call from Annie.

                  ( on the phone with Annie )

"Hey can I sleep over  and tell you about my date with finnick and you can tell me about your date with Peeta?" She asks.

"Yeah sure I am on my way home" i say.

"Good because I am at your front door" she says.

"Ok I will be there in 5 minutes knock on the door and someone will let you in" I say.

"Ok see you soon" she says and hangs up. I drive to the front of my house and I unlock the door I see Annie sitting on the sofa and I lead her to my room. I change into some comfy cloths and we start talking.

"Tell me what you and Finnick did" I say.

"Ok so we went to the restaurant we ate we talked and then we went to the cliffs and had a small picnic and watched the sunset and we kissed practically a make out session on the cliffs while we watched the sunset it was so romantic" she says.

"Aww that's so awesome" I say.

"Ok now you" she says.

"So we went to the restaurant and we ate and we danced it's was beautiful and then he took me to the beach and I said we should go swimming so I took off my dress and we went swimming and watched the sunset and he told me he loved me" I say.

"Aww that's so beautiful but you guys didn't go naked right?" She asks with a smirk.

"No he was in his boxers and I have my bra and underwear" I say.

"Ok Sorry" she says.

"Yeah know I never thought I would be the girl who would talk about her date with her friends" I say.
"Your pretty cool Annie"

"Eeeeeeeee thanks" she says and gives me a hug though it takes me awhile to hug back.

"So you and Peeta are pretty serious" she says.
" did you to you know have-" she starts.

"No Annie I have only known him for like a week" I say.

"Yeah and you already love him in a week" she says. I never did it with someone and I don't know what's happens or how it happens but I never really thought about it. For the rest of the night we just talk about our dates and stuff. We end up falling asleep and I wake up at 2:00am to go to the bathroom and realize she fell asleep on the beam bag on my floor and I fell asleep on my chair on my desk. I go to the bathroom and I get cold so i put on one of Peeta's sweaters I stole from the first time I went to his house. I put a blanket on Annie and go to my bed and fall asleep.

————————————( a week later)———————————-

Me and Annie choose to have another sleep over since I like her best out of all the girls but I didn't tell her that. I wake up and think to have a party since my parents are out of town and Prims friends wanted to have a sleep over. It's Saturday. I shower and brush my teeth I put on some short shorts and a red short sleeve crop top I wake up Annie she has breakfast, showers, brushes her teeth and changes. We choose to go tell everyone about the party and I want to have it at the canyon.

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