Chapter 10

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Peeta pov:

Gale and Katniss stand up and she looks very uncomfortable but Gale looks happy. And they each lean in and kiss, my heart sinks. It's been 3 seconds and Katniss pulls away and sits next to me. I look away from her I'm not mad at her I just didn't like what I saw. The game go's on until it's my turn I spin the bottle and it lands on Finnick.

"Come here Peetie Pie"he says in a girls voice.

"Aww Finny Poe" I say and try to talk girly.
We go over and give a quick peck on the lips and I nearly vomit. Every starts laughing even Katniss. We stop playing and it's 10:00 O'clock so we decide to go to bed since there is school tomorrow. We all make our way to the guest rooms except Katniss who just goes to her room. I don't bother to say goodnight I am sort of mad at her for kissing Gale, I don't know how she felt about it. I just lay in the king sized bed which I never thought would be so big. I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I say.

"Peeta?" Katniss asks. She comes and sits on the edge of the bed and I sit up.

"Are you mad at me?" She asks.

"Sorta" I say.


"Because you kissed Gale"I say

"Peeta that was just part of the game" she says.

"But......I mean did you feel anything" I ask.

"No I had to open my eyes for a second to see if he was kissing me, I swear Peeta I felt nothing." She says. Now I just feel stupid.

"And how do you think I feel seeing you kiss Finnick" she says. And try's to stay serious but I can tell she is holding back laughter.
She leans over and kisses me and I kiss back and I realize we are now having a make-out session after what feels like forever we pull apart for air.

" I would never kiss Gale like that" she says.

"Can't promise me and Finnick won't" I say and we both laugh.

"Good night Peeta" she says.

"Good night Katniss" I say and she leave the room.


I wake up to screaming I look at the clock and see it's 2:48am I know it's Katniss's and I make my way to her room to make sure she's ok when I walk in her room I see her sitting in her large bed with her hands on her face and I can see she is holding back tears i walks up to her and she sees me.

"It's ok Peeta I just had a...........nightmare about my dad. Go back to bed" she says.

" No I am going to stay with you." I say and cuddle up next to her she doesn't hesitate to cuddle back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"No thanks maybe tomorrow" she says.

"Do you want me to leave now?" I ask about to get up but she grabs my arm.

"Stay with me?" She asks.

"Always" I say and we both fall asleep.

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