Chapter 27

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(Day of the talent show)

Katniss pov:

I get up and it's the day of the talent show I can't wait to sing I am actually excited I do my normal routine and put on light jeans and a black shirt that bites my curves.  (A/N; picture of shirt on top). I put on makeup on my scars. I skip breakfast and go to pick up prim from her friends house and drive her to school. When I drop her off I head to my school. I see Finnick and Annie already there.

"Hey guys" I say.

"Hey kitty" Finnick says.

"Don't ever call me kitty or I will dislocate your shoulder" I say.

"Ok Kat let's not do that" says Annie and we all laugh. Then Cato, Marvel, Glimmer, Gale and Clive come. Not Peeta. I am about to ask when Finnick speaks up.

"Where Peeta?"

"I don't know you always drive him" says Gale. Then we see Peeta and he looks out of breath and his lip is cut and he has a bruise under his eye. And he is limping and holding his arm in pain.

"What happened?!?" Asks Glimmer.

"I got in a fight and I didn't win" he says.

"With who?" I ask.

"With......" he trails off.

"WHO!?!?" I yell.

"Gloss" he says quietly so only I can hear.

"Who?" Asks Cato.

"No one" I say.

"If he's no one tell us" says Marvel.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"Katniss-" Peeta starts.

"Tell me!" I shout.

"At school" he says and I don't hesitate to walk to my car and drive to Hunger games High.

"KATNISS!" Peeta yells. But I am already driving away. I make it to Hunger games High and some kids are staring at me but I just go straight to Gloss. I see him and I punch him right in the face so hard. He falls to the ground and quickly gets up. " oh hey kitty" he says. I see Peeta and the others followed me and are watching. Gloss pushes me on the ground and I sweep his feet and get on top of his and start punching him in the face a lot. I get off him and he slowly gets up and as soon as he does I kick him in the chest and he once again falls to the ground I put my foot on his chest holding him to the ground.

"Never ever touch him again" I say in a cold voice and go back to my car. I see Peeta and the others looking at me in shock.

"What?" I ask.

"You beat him up......did you see the size of him and the size of you?" Says Marvel.

"What I am 5'8" I say.

"Why did you beat him?" Asks Peeta.

"Because he crossed the line" Is all I say and we get in our cars and go to school before we are late.
The rest of the day goes by fast and now it's time for the talent show. I am number 6 and I am scared I don't have a good voice. I am sitting and number 5 is on I see Finnick and everyone go up to me.

"Kat I can't wait to hear your song" says Finnick.

"Yeah your going to be awesome" Says Annie and they calm my name it's my turn I give the teacher control if the speaker my phone and put on the beat I downloaded for my song and I nod at her to start.

Prisoner, prisoner

Locked up, can't get you off my mind, off my mind

Lord knows I tried a million times, million times
Oh-whoa, why can't you

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