Chapter 37

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Katniss pov:

I'm crying into Peeta chest. I couldn't take it. I had to let it out. I have been holding it in for so long and Peeta makes me feel venerable and safe.

"I'm sorry" I say sniffing. "I feel so weak".

"Do I make you feel weak?" He asks.

"No no that's not what I meant you make me feel venerable, safe and that I can be myself" I say and he smiles then frowns at the tears on my face. I quickly wipe them away and smile like nothing happened. Peeta knows I don't like to talk about my feelings that much.

"Katniss you can tell me things" he says.

"I....I know" I say. "Can we just go now?"

"Sure if that what you want" he says and kisses my cheek.

Peeta is driving because he didn't want me to drive. He's so sweet. I play with the promise ring on my finger. It's started to rain. We go to Peeta's house. I am cautious as I walk in the door. I see Conner working at the front.

"Hey hot stuff" he says with a wink.

"Back off" says Peeta stepping beside me.

"Hey Conner" I say rolling my eyes. Peeta leads me to his room but as I am at the door Rye grabs my wrist.

"Um hey" I say.

"Can I talk to you?" He asks. I look at Peeta.

"Yeah sure" I say and he leads me to what I think is his room.

"So how's you wife?" I ask with a smirk.

"How did you know I'm married?" He asks surprised.

"I see the ring in your finger " I say.

"Well she's pregnant" he says.

"Ok that's great congrats" I say.

"But how do I tell my parents?" He asks worried.

"Well I know your dad would be happy I don't know about your mom though. But you should tell them at a dinner when everyone is happy and make the big announcement they will all be happy and support you, knowing this family" I say.

"Ok thanks Katniss" he says smiling. "What's that ring?" He asks.

"It's a promise ring" I say smiling.

"How many months is she pregnant?" I ask.

"About five" he says.

"You still haven't told anybody and she's five months pregnant?" I ask.

"Yeah well we never planned on having children so we were both nervous" he says.

"Well I think your family will support you" I say.

"And who's room is this?" I ask.

"Oh it's Conners room I moved our awhile ago I live in my own house but I work here" he says.

"I can't wait to move out" I say.

"It's fun but it is also a big responsibility" he says.

"Ok thanks ,and Rye" I say.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"You'll be a great dad" I say.

"Thanks that means a lot" he says and I smile. I walk to Peeta's room. I sit on his bed and get lost in thought. I could tell Rye was already excited to be a dad. I wonder what my dad was like.

"Katniss?" I hear and jump out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I ask.

"What did Rye want?" Peeta asks.

"He just apologized for Conner being an idiot" I lie.

"Ok" Peeta says unconvinced.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't believe you" he says siting down beside me. "But that's ok you can tell me whenever I just know when your lying" he says.

"You know me too well" I say.

"Yeah but there are still some things I don't know about you" he says and that's true I have secrets.

"Not really secrets just things I don't tell you in the moment" I say looking at my hands.

"That's ok I just want you to trust me" he says. We both lean in and kiss.

"Well if only I was Peeta" I hear from the door and I see Conner.

"Go away" Peeta says annoyed.

"Ok only if she gives me a kiss" Conner says pointing to me. I can feel Peeta's muscles tense.

"Ok" I say smirking and standing up. Peeta frowns. I go up to Conner and as he's about to kiss me I knee him where the light don't shine. I sit next to Peeta. Conner limps away in pain.

"Sorry!" I yell and I hear a groan. Rye walks in the room.

"About time" he chuckles and leaves. I laugh and so does Peeta.

"I really thought you were going to kiss him" Peeta says frowning.

"I'm only yours" I whisper and kiss him. He pulls away and smiles.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Around 5:00pm" he says.

"Oh I have to go pick up Prim" I say.

"Ok well I will see you tomorrow" he says. I give him a quick peck in the lips and go downstairs. I bump into someone as I am walking out the door.

"Oh sorry Katniss" says Peeta's dad.

"Oh it's ok" I say and smile.

"Um Peeta's birthday is coming up and I think I need your permission for the gift I want to get him" I say.

"Ok what is it?" He asks.

"A car" I say.

"Katniss that's to expensive" he says worried.

"Oh it's ok my stepdad is super rich and I have the money I know how to responsibly use my money" I say. "Please Peeta would be so happy" I beg.

"Hmm ok it's your money your choice and thank you for asking me" he says.

"No problem bye" I say.

"Bye" he calls.

I go to pick up Prim. I drive to her friends house and she is waiting outside for me. She gets in the car and starts talking about her time. When we get home she goes to her room and I sit on the couch. I watch a movie and when it finished it's 7:00pm so I take a shower. But it's still to early to sleep so I call Annie.

(On the phone with Annie)

"Sorry Katniss I can't talk now" she says and I hear Finnick laugh.

"Ok but make sure to use protection you crazy kids" I say and hang up. I know I will pay for that comment tomorrow. I am bored so I try to sleep but it doesn't work. I get up and huff. I choose to take a walk. I put on black jeans and one of Peeta's sweaters. I walk down the street. I walk down my old street and see my old house. I see the factory that is being rebuilt. I stand there looking at the broken factory. I keep walking. I get lost in my thoughts and I a see a car speeding in my direction and I get ready for the pain when I feel arms around me and pull me off the road. I see I am now on the sidewalk and I look to who saved me and I see........

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