Chapter 11

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Katniss pov:
I wake up in warm strong arms I look up and I see Peeta, he came to comfort me last night I check time and it's 6:00 so I get up and take a shower and when I am done I peak out of the bathroom to see if Peeta is still asleep and I quickly make my way to the walk in closet l put on some light skinny jeans and a black tight short sleeve shirt that bites my curves I tuck the bottom of the shirt into my pants so it looks like a bodysuit. I put my hair into it's normal braid and walk out of the big closet I see Peeta is still sleeping and I try and wake him and it won't work so I do the reasonable thing and get a cup of water and dump it in his face. He jolts up and looks at me and smiles.

" Your not mad?" I ask.

"How can I be mad at someone's beautiful as you"he says. Peeta is the only person that can make me blush.

"Can't wait for the date we have this Friday"he says.

"Neither can I, now get ready we have school" I say
And then he gets up gives me a quick peck on the lips and goes to the guest room he's staying in. I just smile at myself. I go to Glimmers room and she already awake so are clove and Marvel. I go to Cato's and jump on the bed yelling "WAKE UP" when he finally wakes up I go to Finnicks room and jump on top of him and he wakes up laughing. Next Gale I go into his room and shake him yelling "THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" He jolts awake I run out of his room and make my way to the kitchen where Peeta is making breakfast. Peeta sees me and frowns I know he is looking at my scars.

"Peeta-" I start but he just shakes his head.
I just look down. I make my way back upstairs where everyone is getting out of their rooms and Gale looks at me.

"Did you say the British are coming" he asks me,
I just look in his eyes and not even a second later we are both on the floor laughing hysterically.

"Did we miss something" asks Peeta.

"No" me and Gale say in union.

"I heard something about the British" says Finnick. And here we go again me and Gale are just laughing. After I need to breathe.

" Ok guys so let's just eat breakfast" Peeta says. Everyone goes to eat but I need to go cover my scars and I don't eat breakfast that much.

" Kat come eat" says Finnick.

" I don't really eat breakfast" I say and everyone gasps.

"Sorry?" I say but it comes out more of a question. I make my way to my room and go to the bathroom where I keep my make up I quickly but some waterproof make up just in case and I put it to cover my scars but I don't actually use makeup on my face but I put on a little so it's barely noticeable. I go back down stairs.

" Hey it's 6:45 and school doesn't start for another hour" I say. Finnick looks at me like I said we lost the war.

"What time did you wake me up" he asks.

"Around 6:15 , 6:20" I say.

" WHAT ?!? I usually wake up at 7:00" he says.

"Oh well" I say.

"Hey Kat I like your outfit" says Glimmer.

"Umm thanks Glimmer."

" No really I like your top can I borrow it some time" asks Glimmer.

" I don't think we have the same size" I say as nicely as possible. The reason I said the is because my boobs are bigger than glimmers.

"Ok then we will just have to go shopping together" glimmer says

"Yay" I say sounding a little sarcastic.

When everyone is done eating they go to brunch their teeth but I already did. I go into the room Peeta was staying in because there is a bathroom in each room. When Peeta is done brushing he just looks at me.

"Kat do you still cut yourself" he asks. Wow he really cares.

"Only when I have a nightmare or I am sad, I just can't help it." I say

"Please can you promise me you'll stop"

"I can't promise I will stop but I promise I will try"

"Katniss please" he pleads. I can see a tear coming down his eye.

"Ok I will stop" I whisper. He comes over and hugs me. I burry my face into his chest.

(Peeta pov:

She promised she wouldn't hurt herself anymore and that makes me happy I would hate to see her in pain. I kiss her forehead and pull away from the hug. I have only known Kat for like 3 days and I already feel so much for her.

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