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Katniss pov:

I get out of bed and try and forget about last night. I feel bad for leaving but I didn't want to get in a fight with Peeta and definitely not in front of his family. I do my routine and put on light loose jeans and a dark blue shirt. I walk downstairs and find my mom, Plutarch and prim eating breakfast but I am not hungry.

"Hey little duck" I say.

"Hey Kat" says Prim and she goes back to eating.

"Good morning Katniss" says Plutarch.

"Morning" I say.

"Hey honey" says my mom.

"Hey mom"

"You on your way to school?" She asks.

"Yep" I respond.

"Ok well have a nice day" she says.

"Ok bye" I say as I walk out the door. I drive to school and find the group. I walk up to them and Glimmer speaks up.

"When are you going to dress like us?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Everyone's wearing a dress shirts and nice pants like everyone in the school Katniss you stand out" she says.

"For the last time Glimmer I don't care" I say.

"Fine" she says.

"Hey" says Peeta.

"Hey" I say.

"What's that about?" Asks Cato.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing" says Peeta.

"It's not nothing y'all broke up yesterday" says Gale.

"Then we sorta got back together then we got into a mini fight at dinner and then here we are now" says Peeta.

"You guys have a wired relationship" says Annie.

"Don't forget how your mother threw a knife at me" I say.

"Yeah let's not forget that" says Peeta.

"Hold up what?" Asks Clove.

"Yeah and all Katniss said was 'Good throw'" says Peeta.

"Whatever let's not talk about that" I say. "How about Halloween you guys have costumes?" I ask.

"Eeeeeee yes" says Glimmer. "I am going to be fairy"

"I am going to be Aqua man" says Finnick.

"Of course you are" I say.

"I am going to be a mummy" says Marvel.

"Me and Cato are doing matching costumes I am a princess and he is the prince" says Clove.

"What about you Katniss what are you going to be?" Asks Peeta.

"You'll see" I say.

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