Chapter 3

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Peeta pov:

Classes fly by really fast, Katniss says she likes our teachers except for Miss Trinket who teaches math. After art we have lunch so I walk to the table with katniss and everyone is already there.

" Hey guys" I say as me and Katniss sit down.

" Hey" Says the group in union.

" Hi Kit Kat" says Finnick.

" Hey fish boy" Katniss says with a chuckle.

We all start talking about our schedules and teachers when I remember Kat was going to tell me why she got kicked out of her old school.

" Hey Kat now can you tell me why you got kicked out of Mockinjay High and Hunger Games High?" I ask her.

" KATNISS!!" Finnick yells " How did you get kicked out of 2 high schools!?!?"

" Well-" she starts but get cut off by Marvel

" Wow you got kicked out of 2 high schools!?" Asked Marvel.

Katniss nods.
"Awesome" says Cato and Gale.

" How Kit Kat?" Asks Finnick.

" Well in Mockingjay High I hacked in the teachers computer and went to change all the questions of the test to things like 'why did the chicken cross the road' and ' what sound does a cow make' and I guess they didn't like that so they kicked me out" she says almost proud of her self.

" Wow" says everyone.Finnick doesn't look to happy but he shrugs it off.

" How about Hunger Games High?" Asks glimmer.

" well my teacher was being a pain so kinda blew up my her chair" Katniss says.

"How did you blow up her chair" asks Annie

" Well my stepdad is a movie detector so he has all the safe explosives for movie stunts I stole one and taped it under my teachers chair so when she sat on it I pressed a button and BOOM!" says katniss.

"Damn, remind me not to get on your bad side" says Gale.

They all laugh.
" So Kat are you going to get kicked from this school?" Asks Finnick.

" I mean you're here and I don't want to leave you again and I promised prim I would try hard so for now no." She says.

"Who's prim" I ask

" my little sister" she says.

" Wait Finnick didn't you call Kat your little sis" asks Annie.

" Yeah but we aren't really related we were just so close we felt like family" says finnick. After that we just talked about stuff and asked Kat about her old schools and she showed us a video of her teachers chair blowing up, it was so funny.
After lunch Annie walks Kat to history and damn Kat is beautiful her shining grey eyes her pretty braided hair.I think I have a crush on her but she would never like a loser like me.

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