Chapter 49

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Katniss pov:

Peeta looks at the car in awe. I know he loves it. His brothers look at the car and look at me. Peeta's dad smiles at me and mouths 'thank you' and I nod. Peeta runs to me and gives me a big hug.

"Katniss you really didn't have to" he says. "Are you sure?" He asks.

"Well it's better because now you can pick me up and I don't have to drive" I say. "It's a win win".

"Well you already didn't drive I always drove you in your car" he mumbles.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH" he says. I smile and he and his brothers check out the car. Peeta's dad comes up to me.

"Thank you, we couldn't afford him a car like this" he says.

"No problem" I say and he smiles. I like Peeta's dad he's really nice. Peeta asks his dad if he can take a test run. Peeta and his brothers get in the car and drive away. They come back about 5 minutes later and Peeta looks so excited.

"Ok now we should go back to to sleep" says Peeta's dad we all go into the bakery house and Rye goes to his house. Peeta's dad says he's going to pick up Peeta's uncle and it's pretty for so he will be back in the morning. I go to Peeta room and he plops down on his bed still super excited about his new car.

"Oh my god Katniss you don't know how much I love you right now!" He says.

"You don't have to tell me" I say and kiss him. This kiss quickly turns into a while make out session. Things get quickly heated. Peeta's shirt comes off and as things are getting interesting some knocks the door. Peeta groans in frustration. I laugh. Peeta puts his shirt back on and I look to see who is at the door. It's Peeta's mom. I try and smile at her. She looks at me.

"Hey you seam brat where's my son?" She asks.

"Um why?" I ask.

"Because he needs to get an ear full" she says and pushes me out of the way. She goes to Peeta and starts yelling at him for no reason she slaps him in the face then leaves. I look at him in shock. He just shrugged his shoulders. I close the door and sit next to Peeta.

"Are you ok?" I ask worried.

"Yep I'm fine" he says.

"Where's your mom going?" I ask.

"Probably my aunts house since she doesn't like to stay here and see us" he says. How could she not like to see her family? He smiles again as I sit next to him on the bed.

"Know where were we?" He ask flirtatiously. I laugh. I lay down on his bed and go into a deep sleep.

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