Chapter 36

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Peeta pov:

Katniss is looking down and I don't know if I should have asked maybe she doesn't trust me. I start to play with the promise ring I bought for Katniss. I wonder if I can give it to her today. (picture of ring on top).

"I can show you" she says smiling. "I trust you".

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep" she says popping the 'p'.

We start to drive to her house and she parks in her driveway. We get out of the car and I follow her we walk for awhile. After about 25 minutes we make it to the end of the district where there is a big fence. Katniss goes infer the fence.

"Come on" she says.

"Isn't it electrified"I say worried.

"Not now" she says. I go under the fence and she grabs my hand. We walk into a meadow and she leads me under the willow. When we stop I see beautiful green trees and grass. Flowers bushes and a small river. We sit and I take it all in. Katniss gets up and I take her hand. We keep walking it's so beautiful. She takes me to small cabin.

"My dad built this" she says.

"Wow Katniss this place is beautiful" I say. We go back to the meadow and we sit where we were before. Katniss lays her head on my shoulder and I bring her closer.

"Don't tell anyone" she says.

"Ok I promise" I say. We lay for for awhile when I remember the promise ring.

"Katniss" I say.

"Mhm" she mumbles.

"You know how i promised to always to stay with you?" I ask. She nods.

"" I am nervous. "I got you a promise ring" I say and show her the ring.

"Aww Peeta it's beautiful. Thank you" she says. She puts the ring on her pointer finger on the right hand hand and it fits perfectly. She gives a one hundred watt smile.

"I love you so much" she says.

"I love you too" I say and I kiss her and she kisses back. We kiss for a long time and I don't think we need air anymore. She raps he lags around my waist and I pull her closer. What is air? We pull away and stare at each other for awhile. I feel so lucky.

"We should go now" she whispers.

"Yeah" I say but we don't move. She is still in my lap. I look into her sparkling grey eyes. We stay like this until Katniss speaks up.

"I want to show you something" she says and gets up. I follow her back to the cabin. She goes in and comes back out with a bow and some arrows. She leads me to some trees with targets put onto them. She loads the bow and shots the target. Bullseye! She does it again to another target. Bullseye!

"Awesome!" I say.

"I have been doing this since before I could talk" she says.

"I can also use throwing knives, Sword, and almost every weapon possible" she says. She grabs a small hand gun and gives it to me. She puts down the bow and arrows.

"Shoot" she says pointing to an empty beer bottle on a log. I shoot and miss. I try again and I miss. I keep missing.

"You know your supposed to hit the bottle right?" Katniss asks.

"No I am trying not to hit the bottle" I say sarcastically. She grabs the gun from my hand and shoots the bottle keeping her eyes on me. She didn't even look and she shot the bottle first try.

"Well I can bake and you can't so ha!" I say and she laughs.

"You got me there" she says. She puts the gun away and I ask if I can go inside she hesitates for a moment then she lets me in. I walk inside and it's small but it's pretty. She brings me to a small room and says she will be right back. I look around and notice that it's a room for weapons. I look at a small throwing knife and see there is blood on it. It's what Katniss used to cut herself. I feel like crying. I can't believe I caused Katniss this pain once. She walks back in.

"Hey sorry I just had to-" she starts but sees my face.

"What wrong?" She asks worried.

"Katniss I am so sorry" I say.

"For what?" She asks rapping her arms around my waist from behind.

"Delly kissed me and you got hurt. I broke up with you because of my jealousy and you got hurt. Gale wanted you and I let him hurt you" I say and my voice cracking. "I know all those things were my fault. I always screw things up and you get hurt" I say.

"Oh Peeta" she says and spins me around so I am facing her. She sees I am holding the knife. She lets out a small gasp.

"Peeta I-" she whispers but stops herself. She look at my face and I feel tears falling down. I hate feeling so weak in front of Katniss.

"I am sorry but those things weren't your fault. Delly is the one who kissed you. You broke up with me because you thought something that wasn't true. And you didn't know Gale was going to punch me" she says.

"No matter what happens I will always love you" she says and softly kisses me.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"Stop apologizing" she says wiping a tear from my face. She leans and kisses me softly. I smile.

"I love your smile" she whispers. "I love everything about you" she says.

"I love you so much and I will never let anyone hurt you" I say.

"You can't promise that Peeta and you know it. And I can protect myself. But you try and that's one of the things I love about you. You always try and protect me" she says. I want to argue but I don't I just smile.

"We should go back" she says. I agree. We walk past the meadow but Katniss stops in her tracks. She stares at the beautiful view. She looks sad.

"Katniss what's wrong?" I ask.

"I can't take this anymore" she says and starts crying. I have never seen Katniss cry. She goes down on her knees and keeps crying. I run to her and hug her.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask.

" I miss him so much!" She says.

"Who?" I ask.

"My dad" she says. I can't imagine what she's going through. She lost her dad.

"It's ok" I coo while I hold her. She bury her head into my chest and sobs. I know it takes a lot for her cry so I know she is feeling a lot of pain.

"I am sorry I couldn't hold it in anymore I just had to let it out. Whenever I am here I can't help but cry" she says in between sobs. I feel bad for making her take me here.

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