Big day

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It was the day of your wedding finally.

In the room with you was Mito, your mother, Izumi and a couple of your cousins and aunts.

Stepping out everyone was amazed. "Y/n y-your just beautiful" your mom said as she laid her hands on her chest.

"Wow Madara is just to lucky" Izumi said with a big smile gazing at you.

Everyone just kept complimenting you on how stunning you where. You stood there blushing "thank you everyone".

You took a deep breath "I need to sit". "Y/n are you alright" Mito asked. You looked down to your dress "I'm...just nervous".

"Hey now y/n are you getting cold feet" one of your aunts said patting your back. Everyone came around you "y/n are you".

You looked up "huh what no no way I'm just nervous of everyone watching me". Everyone paused and chuckled "y/n your fine your worrying about nothing".

You smiled "yeah you guys are right heh". "Here put on your veil" your mother said holding it up.

She slipped it on your head and kissed your cheek. "Thanks mom" you said looking at yourself in the mirror. "Wow I never seen myself like this".

There was a knock at the door "twenty minutes" the wedding planner announced. "Ohh I'm so excited and nervous eekkk".

"Ack what the hell she's so cute" Izumi said placing her hand to her mouth.

There was a flash in the lights signaling for the brides maids and grooms men to get into places and for everyone to be seated.

"Okay bye guys I'll see you guys in a bit" you said as everyone walked out "good luck love" Mito said waving.

For about ten minutes you stood there staring at yourself. "I wonder what Madaras thinking".

There was a sudden knock at the door "huh I wonder who that is". You walked over and answered.

"Tobi-Rama?" You said looking at him confused. He stared at you for a minute. "Y/n your pure beauty" he said opening the door more.

"Thank you did you need something". He stepped in closing the door behind him.

"Umm...." Tobirama looked down and looked back up. "Y/n I haven't stopped thinking about you since that dinner...the woman I've been with never made my heart race like you do".

"To-Tobirama where is this coming from I thought you disliked me but I never thought...". He smiled and cupped your cheek with his cold hand. "Please I know this is our second time meeting but I'm in love with you".

"Tobirama please stop this is my wedding day I'm- I'm about to get married in like ten minutes!". You pulled his hand down.

"I'm in love with Madara..." he let out a sigh "just give me a chance Madara he's...he's not good enough for you".

"Tobirama please leave we can talk later when I get back from my honeymoon". His eyes widen "I don't want to just talk I want to be with you".

"I'm sorry Tobirama I really am this must be painful for you but I'm not the girl for you, the girl for you is somewhere out there".

You held his hands together "Tobirama I think it's best if you leaves and I'm not saying it in a rude way I'm so sorry I don't feel the same".

He kissed your hands "I apologize y/n I will be leaving now I hope your decision is correct". You nodded as he walked out.

You sat down with a hand on your head oh my gosh I never experienced a confession ever in my life sigh I feel bad for him because I know how rejection is.


Knock knock "y/n it's time" your dad said. You walked out and his face was in shock. He took your hand with a smile "y/n are you ready".

"Yes dad I am"

You stepped out the log cabin and there you seen everything you face lit up whoa everything is beautiful.

The music started playing every one turned and stared admiring you. Madara turned and met eyes with you.

His mouth opened and met eyes with you. He was just mesmerized by you.

As you held his hand you two started walking. "I'm glad your happy y/n I'm sorry for everything" your dad said. "It's okay dad I already forgave you and yes this is the happiest I ever been".

He smiled and you two reached the end locking eyes with Madaras he gazed at you.

"Your beautiful y/n" Madara said as if it was hard to get the words out from just gazing at you. You held his hands "you look so handsome Madara".

He looked deeper into your eyes as if he ever wanted to break eye contact.

The pastor spoke on and finally reached the end "can we get the rings" he announced.

Obito came down the isle with a pillow holding the rings. "Aww he's just the cutest". You and Madara took the rings.

"Do you Madara Uchiha take Y/n L/n as your lawfully wedded wife".

"I do".

"Do you Y/n L/n take Madara Uchiha as your lawfully wedded husband".

"I do!".

"You may now kiss the bride".

Madara had a huge smile and pulled your head in for a deep passionate kiss that went on and on.

Hashirama broke out crying "oh Madara that's just beautiful". Izuna patted his back with a sigh "at least he's not depressed".

Everyone was cheering and clapping Madara picked you up bridal style. "Your my wife" he said looking down to you.

"And your my husband" you said looking up holding on him.

As he carried you down the isle you waved to everyone as they waved back with big smile.

Madara set you into the limo and he waved with a big smile then got in.

You locked eyes again and pounced on top of him kissing him deeply. "Madara I love you so much". He gripped your waist catching his breath "y/n I love you to tonight I'm going to show you how much I do". "Mmm show me right now" you said licking his ear.

"This is what you want" he said unzipping his pants and whipping it out. You put your leg over him holding your dress up "yeah now give it to me". You softly whispered in his ear then sucking on his neck.

Madara shoved it in and held your mouth he chuckled "shhh the driver could hear". You nodded as you softly moan in his hand as you rode.

A life time Madara x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora