Find Your Way - Chapter 17 - Améliorations

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Améliorations - French for Improvements.

"So, Toshinori. This is the boy you've decided to take under your wing, Hmm? I must say he is...quite the interesting fellow. Very strong standing, has a aura of a hero, bright future, went from nothing to something with a simple match? He has alot of potential. Say, Izuku...what drives you as a hero?"

Izuku had remained silent as he listened to the pair talking. For the past 40 minutes, they had exchanged some pleasant conversations about quirks and the generality behind why I-Island was created. Hell, Izuku even learned something he hadn't known!

However, the topic can come back around to being about Izuku. By this point, Melissa, had decided to work on something off to the side, but his attention was focused on the two infront of him. But, Izuku thought for a moment...What did? "To make people smile. That's one of the many reasons i chose to become a hero, but it also was to prove people who considered it was impossible for someone quirkless, or previously become a hero. To prove everyone wrong, and to save everyone with a big happy grin. With my own twist."

David Shield nodded, before turning his gaze to Toshinori. He smiled and gave a rather...slow nod to the man. "He really is like you, isn't he my friend."

"Yep, that he is David. This boy has...done alot for me, more then what i can truthfully say without a simple speech. He truly has come from nothing, and i think he deserves the attention he's getting because he is worthy of it. Wouldn't you agree, Melissa?" Toshinori put a hand on Izuku's shoulder as he glanced his head back towards Melissa. The Daughter working on the bracelet she had on her hand a while ago, as she put a thumb up.

"See? Even she agrees. Lift your chin, and Stand Proud. You are Strong." All-Might removed his hand from the boy's shoulder, as he turned his gaze down to Izuku.

"I'm sorry, all of this...everything from me becoming your student to being here feels like a dream. But, i know this is reality and i plan on using this gift to help with my own improvements, and to be better! That is my promise." Izuku raised his hand outward and clenched it. A Grin on his face, before being smacked upside his head.

"Calm yourself boy." The smack came from All-Might, more so in a playful manner as he looked down to Izuku, who had been holding his head slightly. "Ow..." All-Might walked over to David whom had just watched the small interaction. It was quite humorous, but he turned his gaze to All-Might. "Now now, no fighting in my laboratory. Me and All-Might need to chat for a little bit, Melissa darling could you give Izuku a tour of the island, would ya?"

And that was history. Now, granted since then it had been about 30 minutes, but Melissa and Izuku where heading to her Laboratory. He turned his head to The girl whom had been silent the whole time...even a little during the interaction as he decided to get what was on his mind off of his mind. "H-Hey Melissa...What exactly do you want to do..."

Melissa took a second to think about it. Truth be told, she had been deep in thought about somethings in regards to his quirk, and how exactly the device she and her father had been creating would help him out. So, she looked at him before chuckling a small bit. "Oh, nothing much. I've been working on something for the past few months, and i noticed you kept on mentioning Percentage of what you can use...Say..."

She turned around as she grinned. "I guess there's no use hiding it anymore. There's been slight talk of an 'Item' in question that no one answered for you yet, so allow me to be the first!" She took a moment Melissa turned her head as she looked forward. "Now, i was curious...what's your max Percentage you can exactly use now."

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