"Oh no...We will have to do some more test,but I think you may have endured memory loss" The doctor started to wash his hands after his questions.

"M-memory loss!?" Izuku couldn't believe it.

"Yes. Of course we will need to do some test first just to be sure. We should begin immediately" The nurse grabbed a few things.

"W-wait! I want to see my mother!" Izuku demanded.

"I know you do but it's best we do this first. We will have someone call her immediately while we do this. Let's begin' The doctor put on some gloves.

After some time:

" It will take a few hours for the results to come back. Until then you must stay here. Since you are in no danger or harm we are allowing some visitors,but only your mother as well as your girlfriend" The doctor informed him.

"G-girlfriend!? I-i have a girlfriend!?" Izuku had a blush grow on his face. He doesn't even remember talking to a girl.

"It seems like that may be something else you have forgotten but maybe seeing her can help you remember. And normally it's only family allowed,but she was really stubborn that one. She refused to give up until we allowed it." The doctor threw his gloves away as the door room opened up.

"IZUKU!!!!!" His mom yelled as she saw her poor baby on the hospital bed.

She ran over to him and immediately embraced him, but making sure to be extra careful to not cause him any harm.

"I'm so so happy you're alright! I've been worried for three months about you!" She cried while she held her son.

"T-three months!?" Izuku was completely shocked by that info.

"You got into a fight with a villain! It was so horrible Izuku! You got knocked into a coma because of it! I almost thought you wouldn't wake up! But I'm so happy to see you're finally awake!" She didn't stop hugging him but Izuku just laid on his bed in complete shock from the news.

He looked past his mom to see a brown haired girl standing a few feet away with tears pouring from her eyes and her face mixed with regret and joy.

An he thought she was cute despite all that.

Once I heard you were awake I sent a message to some people and came straight to see you Dear. Look who else is here with me" Inko looked back at her and Ochako came up to him on the other side of his bed.

"Hey Deku" Her voice was pretty quiet and filled with so much regret.

"H-hi" He nervously greeted her. He already figured that this was his girlfriend but he had no memory of her,he didn't even know her name and he wanted to know.

"I don't mean to be rude...but who are you?" He calmly asked her.

Her face turned from regret and joy into sorrow and confusion.

"D-deku...it's me! Ochako! You're best friend and girlfriend!" She said trying to make him understand and he blushed at girlfriend a bit though.

"I-im sorry but I don't recognize you...not even a little bit" He took a look at his mom and now her face is full of worry as well.

"I'm afraid he's suffering from memory loss and until we get our results back we won't know much more. But it seems that he lost everything after his junior high. " The doctor explained to the two women in the room.

"Oh my god" Inko placed her hands over her mouth as more tears came from her eyes and hit the ground.

Ochako's tears came as well as she looked back at Izuku and she got a idea.

Izuocha one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now