Mercenary 1: (gulps) "Yeah."

Mercenary 2: "They hired not only us, but the legendary Oarburgh on top of that. The enemy must be really dangerous."

Barbara: "We should be very cautious."

Northeastern Area of the Empire, Near the border, Hakurou River

The Elite Seven and Gozuki were currently near Hakurou River. As usual, Najasho was reading his book. The others, however...

Cornelia: "Okay! Bring it on, Poney!"

Poney: "Today is the day I surpass you, Corey!"

The other kids of the Elite Seven were currently having fun, sparring in the river. The current match up was Cornelia and Poney, the two wrestling to get the upper hand. Poney had lunged forward, but it would seen be her mistake.

The blonde girl grabbed Poney's arm and yanked it downwards, lifting the auburn haired girl into the air. She then slams her down into the water, the impact making water splash everywhere and wetting the girls' clothing. From the side, Guy was currently clapping, and blushing with a grin.

Guy: "Okay, the winner is Cornelia! Amazing as always!"

Green: "The champion of the all-girls grappling contest is Corey!"

Poney: "Ugh...if only I could hit her."

Guy: (dashes over) "Alright then, Cornelia! Fight me, the guy's grappling champion!"

Akira: (side kicks Guy) "I'm sorry, who was the one who kicked your ass?"

Guy: "Arrgh, you!"

Akira: "But I must say, want to give it a shot, Corey? I'm got gonna do anything that Guy would."

Cornelia: "Bring it on then, Akira!"

Cracking his neck and his knuckles, the icy-blue eyed boy lunged forward, Cornelia doing so as well. As soon as they met, they grabbed each others hands and attempted to throw the other down, but they weren't able to. Their strength were nearly the same, albeit, Cornelia may be a little bit stronger.

As the two continued their struggle, Akira slips from something under the water. Causing both to look at each other in slight shock, the two plunge in to the water. A loud splash was heard and the two found themselves in an awkward position. Cornelia was on top of the boy with Akira under, the two having slight blushes on their faces. They struggled to say words, only stuttering.

Guy: (slides in) "So, what were you planning on doing now there, Akira?"

Akira: "Shut up, you damned idiot!"

Akira then begins to strangle the burly man, Guy surprisingly having trouble escaping Akira's grasp. Cornelia only looked away with a slight blush, but she was smiling. The children down in the river begin to enjoy themselves as they all begin to splash water on each other.

Over on the bridge, Najasho looked up from his book and looked on with confusion. He then looks to his adoptive father.

Najasho: "Are you sure we should be relaxing like this, Father? The targets are going to cross this river, right?" 

Gozuki: "When they get close, we'll be notified. There's no point in getting impatient. But..."

The older man had glanced up over on the area that was higher ground. Men and some women had gathered around. The were too busy ogling the females while the women had set their sights on Akira and Najasho.

Gozuki: (sips wine) "We might be standing out too much."

Later that night...

The Elite Seven had been notified that their targets were getting close. So in turn, they left the river and went to hide. A few boats could then be seen heading down the river. One of them included Chelsea, Barbara, and Taeko.

Ice Cold Reaper | Akame ga Kill! Zero × OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora