Chapter 22 Tomb of Annihilation part 2

Start from the beginning

DDDeekin: Deekin thinks these next few rooms will be quick and not worth mentioning. 

Niko: How meta of you. Come on Deekin. This is just a story about a bunch of kobold friends who would read it?

Coal: I think all our adventures would be worth telling.

Ishi: I would read it to my kids.

Ruby: WHOA WHOA WHOA! Calm down ISHI! It's FAR FAR FAR too early to be thinking of children!

Ishi: Huh? Is it? I think it's fine.

Coal: I already know that I would have Shawn as my mate so I don't think it's too early.

Niko: You only say that Ruby because you are the loneliest of the group because you don't have a partner or pair. 

Ruby: Says the new girl!

Niko: ummmm........ummmm......

Niko grabs Deekin.

Niko: I'm with him. Yeah. Totally.

DDDeekin blushing: I..... I am both very surprised and confused. 

Ruby just walks away as the rest of the group continues to chat.

DDDeekin: Niko.... You just said that because you didn't want to be wrong didn't you?

Niko: Yeah.... That was part of the reason... But Honestly there isn't many other choices. Foxbold is crazy, Eric and Shawn have partners, That fox thing..... um.... no....*shiver* I'm NOT into Bestiality! and Ruby..... She is a lone wolf. That leaves you.

 Coal: Hold up..... Foxbold really really likes foxes and he seems to chase after every demi-human female out there...... is he..... into....

DDDeekin: GHA! No! Stop! Stop! Let's stop talking about this! GHA! I can't get it out of my head!

Ishi: I have never heard of it. What is Bestiality?

DDDeekin: Ishi.... Ishi.... You REALLY don't want to know....

Coal: Yes... It's for the best...

Ishi: I don't understand! Tell me!

Niko: sexual conduct with a person and an animal.

Ishi: I regret it now..... I think I'm about to be sick........

DDDeekin: We warned you.....

Ruby comes back

Ruby: While you guys were busy talking about Bestiality I solved puzzles and opened two tombs.

DDDeekin: We were going to do that together as a team!

Ruby: Hahaha! Free XP is great.

Niko: Forgive me lord for what I'm going to do.

DDDeekin holds Niko back.

Ruby: Um.... You two REALLY are a thing? I'm actually very surprised. Very.

Niko: Yeah. Shawn was cool. But before you continue glaring at me Coal I don't have feelings toward him. He is yours and yours alone.

Coal: Glad that we got that straighten out.

DDDeekin: Deekin thinks we have forgotten that we are in a dungeon.

Ishi: Oh yeah. I guess we should continue.

Ruby: On this floor there is a door with ten keys that are orbs. There is a room I can't figure out.

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