"Wait for wha-?"

"Good news! We're going to Prague!" Mr. Harrison announced, walking past us as he headed to the bus.

"Called it!" I whispered to the two nerds still in the middle of their handshake.


"Prague?" Our classmates erupted in protest, obviously not happy they were going to Prague instead of Paris, city of lights.

"Yeah. Tour company called. They upgraded us. You should've heard me on the phone with them. I really gave them hell," Mr. Harrison explained to our class.

"All I heard was crying," Mr. Dell called him out making me look at Mr. Harrison with slight concern. This man really needs to see someone.

"Look at our upgraded ride," Mr. Harrison gestured to a somewhat large and nice looking bus. Way better than what we were probably going to get.

"Whoa, bro, you see that?"

"It's pretty sick."

"I'm impressed, Mr. Harrington."

"Oh, come on." The class erupted in praise and excitement while we stood there in annoyance at the audacity of Nicholas.

"Peter, what? What's going on?" Ned questioned with widened eyes as they continued to stare at our impeding doom in the form of a bus.

"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation," Peter said with disbelief making me groan before facepalming.

"I'm Mr. Harrington to the kids- oh, all right. Okay," Mr. Harrison greeted to Dimitri who stood outside the bus as the driver but he didn't move a muscle to shake his hand making our teacher awkwardly set down his hand.

"Awesome," Ned breathed and I gave him look.

"Yeah. Awesome."

"So great," I said flatly with Peter and we all resentfully walked toward the bus to get on, not really wanting to get stuck in Venice.

"I'm going to take a nap. Maybe I'll find out I can dream and dream of a life far, far, far away from here, possibly in Paris," I joked hauntedly after getting on the bus and taking the window seat next to Peter. "Don't wake up me unless someone's bleeding, broken, or on fire," I instructed, leaning against the cool, glass window and closed my eyes.

"Weird, usually a request from you is followed by a creative, graphic threat," Peter pointed making me open one eye at him only to see him smirking at me.

"Do I really need to threaten you that I'll kick your teeth down your throat to get you to listen to me?"

"No ma'am, just wondering," he smiled, putting his hands up in defeat. I gave him one last tired smile before closing my eyes, ready to escape this existence.

Would you like to activate sleep mode?
Yes No

Sleep mode activated...

I found myself in the back behind a crowd of bustling news reporters with a young Pepper Potts beside me, watching my father at the stand with a cheeseburger in hand. We both carried an air full of nervousness with us as we watched the young Tony Stark have a breakdown in front of fifty or more people.

I was not paying attention I think because all I heard coming out of anyone's mouth was what the adults sound like in Charlie Brown.

"Wha wha wha wha wha, wha wha...wha wha wha wha. Wha wha...wha wha," my father said as he sat down in front of the podium and so did all the reporters looking absolutely lost. These sounds coming from my fathers mouth lasted a couple more moments before I actually heard something. A sentence I wanted to hear for years, a sentence I thought I would never hear. A sentence I heard clearer than crystal.

Veins and Wires // Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now