Chapter 3

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Wayo's POV

P'Beam wanted to come here! I didn't know why my heart suddenly beat so fast. Perhaps it was because I didn't see him for quite some time. Talking on the phone, even if it's video call is not the same. He asked me about my shrine. He didn't know that I no longer have that shrine since months ago. I had six frames of P'Pha's pictures that I bought from his fan club. But ever since that day, I asked myself to move on. And I would not be able to move on if I still see his pictures every day, would I?

I still have the same arrangement for those frames, though. But now the biggest frame is filled with my family picture, with my late mom in there. I was around 4 years old when my mother passed away. So, this picture was kind of the last memory of my mom. It should be there instead of a picture of a silly crush, right? The second biggest frame is filled with my photo with Daddy, I was around 13 years old. The next frame is my photo with my best friend, Ming, during our vacation to Japan 2 years ago.

The fourth frame is filled with my picture with Ming and P'Beam, taken on mine and Ming's high school graduation day. P'Beam was standing in the middle, laughing merrily and looking proud. I was on his right and Ming was on his left. Both of P'Beam's arms are around mine and Ming's shoulders.

The other two frames are still empty. I planned to fill them later on.

Knock! Knock!


I rushed to the door and opened it.

"P'Beam!" I shouted happily and grab his hand.

He laughed and ruffled my hair. "How is my cute nong?"

"I'm fine, Phi." I pulled him and asked him to sit on the sofa near my bed. I have prepared plates and bowls for the food that he brought. I squealed happily when I saw the pink milk. We started to eat together and talked about our day. After dinner, he looked around the room to check my interior. He chuckled when he saw my One Piece collection. To be honest, my room is neat. I always tidied up my own room at home, never depend on my servants. So, what P'Pha said earlier about me being spoiled was kind of hurtful for me. It wasn't my fault that my dad was very protective.

"So..." P'Beam looked at the table near my bed. "Obviously you still have your shrine after all," he said with a smile that looked a bit strange.

I blushed. "I think you need to take a look again, Phi," I said shyly.

P'Beam stood up and walked closer. His eyes widen in surprise. The arrangement of the frames is still the same. But inside of those frames are different. "Well... I don't know what to say," P'Beam laughed nervously, "you really meant what you said about moving on?"

I nod. "I do, Phi."

He came back to the sofa and sat next to me. "Is it new? I mean, the photos?"

"Well, it wasn't an over night decision Phi. A few months ago, I was stumbled upon a picture of my family when my mom was still alive. I kind of ashamed of myself for having so many pictures of my crush, who didn't even know me, but not my family picture. So, I asked Daddy to enlarge it and I kept it in my room ever since. Then, gradually, I started to replace those pictures with pictures of people who are dear to me." I closed my eyes, trying to remember my feelings at that moment. The moment where I finally took of the last of Phana's picture. The bitter sweet feelings. "I admitted, I cried when I did that. Because I kept on the feelings for so long, and now I had to let go. It wasn't easy."

P'Beam reached and took my hands. He squeezed them gently. "Whenever you need someone to talk, remember that Phi is always here," said P'Beam. "And, just so you know, Ai Pha is not the only handsome guy in our gang." He lifted his eye brow naughtily.

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