Tangtang and Guoguo followed Xu Ran. Zhuo Yun started moaning just as he was about to say something "You already know I'm going to be very busy today, so I'll simply say that. Why haven't you offered to assist me sooner?"

Xu Ran was stunned and had no choice but to look up at the sky. He felt bad since he had been completely inconsiderate. Zhuo Yun, on the other hand, simply complained verbally, and his focus quickly shifted to Tangtang and Guoguo.

He stroked their heads and bent down to talk to them, "Tangtang and Guoguo, why do you look so good today? You are wearing red coats!

Tangtang, who had been serving as the diplomat for them both, explained, "Dad said that today is a happy day for Brother Qingshu. That's why he asked us to come in red clothes."

Zhuo Yun gave Xu Ran a sidelong glance and replied, "I wasn't expecting you to be that considerate. Allow Tangtang and Guoguo to stand by my side and give happy candies in that scenario. You should go in and begin serving the visitors."

Zhuo Yun sent Xu Ran away with that casual remark. He then took Tangtang and Guoguo to his side.

There was a table behind Zhuo Yun. Housekeeper Zhuo was busy registering something there. And Zhuo Yun taught Tangtang and Guoguo how to distribute happiness candies.

In fact, the custom was eerily identical to that of nowadays. The housekeeper was keeping track of the gifts that guests had sent. To avoid having to send them during eating, all of the happy candies would be handed out at the restaurant's entrance as a gift of gratitude.

Xu Ran entered the restaurant after noticing that no one was paying attention to him. At the restaurant's entryway, there was a red "happiness" character hanging. Mr. Chen had arranged for a few workers to conduct the reception duties after all of the guests had received invitation cards. It was a very special moment.

Many guests were coming and Qin Shuwen was very busy there. Xu Ran found he was holding his baby while a group of Ge'ers were around them.

Because the red mole on a Ge'er's ear was too evident, Xu Ran could now discern if the person was a Ge'er or a man with a glance. It was plainly visible as long as his ear was exposed, and Ge'er clothing was often brighter in color. Xu Ran hasn't made a fool of himself yet because of this.

Xu Ran didn't go to greet Qin Shuwen since he was busy. Instead, he intended to ask Mr. Chen whose room Zhuo Yun had reserved and if there were any more dinner guests arriving today. Mr. Chen was also quite busy at the time, so he didn't stay at the counter. Finally, Xu Ran located him in the kitchen.

As soon as Mr. Chen saw Xu Ran, he seemed to get his savior, "Xu Ran, help me keep watch on the kitchen. Don't let anything go wrong with them. I'll go out and take a look. There are probably many customers outside. I have to arrange to dish up now."

Without giving Xu Ran a chance to respond, he quickly walked out.

Xu Ran felt powerless as he touched his nose. He was merely here to inquire about Mr. Chen's private room for Zhuo Yun. Mr. Chen, on the other hand, had gone outside and should be able to assist the guests outside. And Xu Ran had to stay to keep an eye on the kitchen!

The chefs were elderly individuals who had worked at the restaurant for many years. They were well-versed in their responsibilities. As a result, Xu Ran's presence there was absolutely unneeded. Xu Ran examined the foods on the table and observed that they all appeared to be of excellent quality, with great color, smell, and taste.

Salad was also served. Salad would always arrive on the feast tables, even if the weather was bitterly cold and few people wanted to eat it. The salad was arranged on the plate in an unsatisfactory manner. Xu Ran took a plate and drew a pattern on it rapidly. After that, he requested the two busboys to re-plate the salads.

Although they were quite reluctant about the task, they had to admit that Xu Ran had done much better than them. They had to follow Xu Ran's instruction.

The banquet was started at exactly noon time, which was considered as an auspicious moment.

As a result, the kitchen was a hive of activity. When individuals in the town had a banquet, each table had eight salads and eight hot meals, which was pretty extravagant. Aside from that, there were a lot of customers today. The kitchen crew had to put up a lot of effort in their duties.

Soon, Xu Ran saw two waiters come to dish up the food.

Salads were served first, followed by hot foods. To serve all eight salads, they had to make many visits to the kitchen. Xu Ran took advantage of the occasion to take a look around. He discovered firecrackers placed up outside the eatery at this time. Perhaps they'd be detonated when the plates were placed on the tables. The guests might then take a seat and dine.

Xu Ran found at every table there was alcohol. He guessed that a competition in drinking wine would be inevitable later when eating.

By the time he returned to the kitchen, the staff had already started to dish up hot dishes. Suddenly, Xu Ran noticed that two dishes were not prepared.

He stopped the servers in their tracks as they were about to carry the food away and stated, "There are two more dishes that need to be made. Serve them at a slower pace. If there is no food to provide during the course, it will be a problem. Take your time with them. It's great if the other two meals arrive after the six hot dishes have been served."

The two waiters didn't say anything but nodded in agreement.

Xu Ran then told the chefs to hurry up with the other two hot dishes.

The remaining two meals were ready in about a quarter of an hour, and the two waiters had just completed serving the other six hot dishes. As a result, Xu Ran completed his duty and was no longer required to remain in the kitchen. He strolled out, hands behind his back, to watch the fun.


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