"You look like you've got something on your mind, what is it?"I asked noticing her nose twitch like how it always did when she was in deep concentration.

She took a deep breath before straightening and I braced myself for what she was about to tell me.

"Andre, if we're really going to do this then there are some things you need to know first and we need to set up a few ground rules."She demanded in a soft tone and I smiled.

"Why are you smiling like that?"She asked looking confused.

"You called me Andre."I replied still smiling.


"When we were broken up or whatever its called since we weren't really dating yet I thought about what nickname you'd have given me if we had proceeded with our relationship. Now I'm glad I get to find out and I like it because no one has ever called me Andre before."I admitted and she smiled in understanding.

"It just slipped out, I didn't even have to think about it."She admitted.

"That's what makes it even more perfect because it's natural and not forced."

"Why do you call me Ivy? No one else does, people don't even know that it's my name."She inquired putting me on the spot.

"I will tell you that very soon."I replied tweaking her nose making her face scrunch up.

"What I want to tell you is important so I guess that can wait."She conceded giving in taking me by surprise.

I had expected her to at least insist I tell her but she trusted me enough to wait till I was ready. Telling her why I called her Ivy would require me to tell her about the tattoo and how long my crush on her had been and I wasn't quite ready to have that conversation yet.

"Back to those ground rules and stuff I need to know."I reminded her and she nodded.

"Oh yes first, I don't want us to have an online relationship."She declared.

"What's an online relationship?"I asked confused.

"The one where we text all the time, declare our feelings through memes and posts on social media. I want a real relationship where I get to see you in real time and spend time with you in person. There's nothing wrong with us texting, calling or posting each other but I want us to avoid that as much as we can by just being with each other in person."She explained.

"I like that idea too because I want to spend every moment of every day with you."I confessed earning me a happy smile and a quick peck on the lips.

"Perfect, I'm happy we agree on that. It doesn't mean we ignore work and our studies for each other, it just means that we find time to spend with each other despite all of that."She expounded further.

"I got that part my beautiful Ivy so what else do I need to know or what are the rules?"I asked loving how outspoken she was.

It meant that she would always speak her mind and call me on my bullshit when necessary and that's the kind of relationship I wanted to be in. The kind where we spoke our minds, had total honesty and built each other up despite of our mistakes.

"I love it when you call me that and that's all I had in mind for now on the what I needed you to know. There is also only one rule for now, which is pretty important but you might not like it."She confessed looking a little nervous.

"Just so you know, I'm open to having sex with you anywhere and anytime in whatever kinky position you come up with."I joked hoping to ease her mind and relax her enough to tell me what she wanted to.

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