Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

I had one week with my family, my boyfriend and of course Whitney and I intended to make the most of it. My parents already liked Andrew and he seemed to be getting along with my brother just fine. It was going to be one awesome week ahead.

After taking a shower and getting dressed in a pair of camo shorts, a navy rank top and a pair of sandals I made my way to the restaurant to get some breakfast. My mom was the only one there first so I joined her.

"Morning mom."I greeted kissing her cheek before taking a seat next to her.

"Good morning princess, sleep well?"She asked and I nodded.

"Perfectly."I replied holding in a grin that would sell me off if my mom knew what I had been up to the previous night.

I proceeded to serve myself breakfast from the large assortment of breakfast foods on the table. There was toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, tea, fruit and juice. I was starving so I took a little of everything.

"I know you want to say it mom so just blurt it out."I prompted.

My mom let the smile she had been suppressing roam free.

"Okay fine you got me. He's so cute."She gushed and I laughed.

"That's my boyfriend you're talking about mom."I reprimanded playfully and she brushed me off.

"I know but seriously, I'm so proud of you for taking this next step in life. You are mature enough now and I'm happy to see that you're making good decisions. Andrew seems to really like you and you like him too. You guys will be very happy together if you just focus on your relationship and build each other up. Relationships are all about love, time, trust and patience. You did well princess."My mom praised and I beamed.

"Thanks mom, I'm happy you approve."I said as we toasted to a better future.

It wasn't just the two of us for long as everyone else joined us one by one a few minutes later. When Andrew came down for breakfast he looked handsome in white shorts, a brown shirt, maasai sandals and a pair of sun glasses. Without our parents presence he would have kissed me good morning but we were keeping it pg so he took the empty seat next to me and squeezed my bare thigh discreetly under the table.

"Okay gang so we are here to have fun and we already paid for all the facilities so don't hold back. You don't have to stick together, just make sure you've done everything you want to. And if you're here to sleep on the beach all day like me sipping palm wine then have at it. Just make sure to have fun."My mom announced just as we were finishing up with breakfast.

"What do you want to do first?"I asked Andrew turning to face him.

"Why don't you pick what we get to do first? It is your family trip."He replied but I knew he was just being polite.

"I've been to tens of these. This is the first time I do it with my boyfriend and I want to do what he wants. So once more, what do you want to do?"I inquired and he smiled.

"You're the best. The weather looks good and I have no way of predicting what the other days will be like so I was hoping we can visit the Central Island National Park for photos. I can include them in my portfolio."He answered.

"That wasn't so hard now was it, so it's settled we're visiting the island."I agreed and he nodded.

We listened to the rest talk about what they planned to do as we finished breakfast. Andrew and I separated for a few minutes after breakfast so we could go to our rooms and grab a few things that we would need during the day. I eyed the gift on my bed that I'd bought for Andrew and wondered what he would think of it. It had been and impulse buy after I heard him talk so much about wanting to own one. I'd been holding it for a week and decided it was a good time as any to give it to him so he could use it during the trip. After gathering up everything I would need, I put them in my backpack, tied my curly hair in a pony tail and lathered on sunblock and,since we were in the desert.

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