Chapter 26: The Treehouse

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Y/n's POV

I walked away from UA, heading towards the gates with my hands in my pockets and head down low. With my recent defeat still fresh in my mind, I dragged my feet across the front field, too exhausted to even consider how I must look to another's eyes.

"Y/n! Hey!!"

My head peeked up tiredly to locate the sound of my name.

"Inasa...?" I mumbled incredulously as I spotted his tall, bulky figure waving ridiculously at me. "What are you doing here?"

He grinned stupidly as he ran up to me, before crushing me in a giant hug that did not help my injuries.

"Ow ow ow Inasa ow!" I cringed from his embrace, but manage to awkwardly pat his back to not hurt his feelings.

"Sorry, sorry! I just missed you lil sis!" He pulled back and ruffled my hair. "And I saw you on the sports festival! You kicked ass!"

I chuckled lightly.


"Uh, weird request, but can we leave?" My half-brother glanced around warily. "You know how I feel about this place."

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes as we started walking. "But honestly? UA isn't even half-bad. I mean, the people are all very nice. Well, mostly."

My mind wandered towards a certain blonde, aggressive boy.

"Mostly?" Inasa looked at me with wide eyes. "Did any of those bastards bully you?! Because if they did I swear I'll-"

"No no no! Calm down, dude!" I laughed. "No one's bullying me! I was just talking about a boy in my class that has... er... I guess you could say severe anger issues?"

"Is that the guy who beat you in the Sports Festival today?" He questioned.

"Mm." I confirmed. "Bakugo."

"Huh. Oh hey, if anyone does bothers you, just come to your big bro Inasa and I will drop kick their sorry asses across the Pacific Ocean, got it?" He smirked at me as he slung a heavy arm around my shoulders.

"...Thanks, I guess?" I struggled under his weight.

We chatted for the next few minutes about nothing and everything, walking in peacefulness.

However, there's something nagging in the back of my mind that I can't ignore.

"Uh, Inasa?" I bit my lip.


"I mean this in the nicest way, but seriously, why are you here?"

He stopped slowly.

"What do you mean?" He chuckled. "I can't come and visit my sister now?"

"Of course you can, but..."

You're lying.

"Inasa..." I sighed. "Just tell me the truth. I can handle it."

He stared at me for a few seconds, before starting to walk once again.

I followed his lead, waiting for him to begin.

"When I said you kicked ass today, I meant it." Inasa directed at me.

I couldn't help but smile softly at that.

"But... I don't know how to put this..."

Ah...I see...

"Father's not happy." I interjected blankly.

He exhaled heavily as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Look, Y/n-"

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