Chapter 9: Class Representative

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Y/n's POV

As I neared the entrance of UA, I was nearly trampled by reporters.

"How are All Might's classes?"

"Will you tell us about what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?"

"What do you think of All Might as a teacher?!!"

My face remained expressionless as I patiently waited for the storm of questions to blow by.

"It's good." I said in a monotonous voice as they finally quieted enough for me to speak.

"Tha-that's all?!" A lady, whom I suppose is the leader of this ragged group, exclaimed in outrage.

"Yep." I replied in the same tone, popping the "p."

I then proceeded to push through the crowd to get to my class before I was late.

"Wai-wait! You haven't answered our questions yet!!" I heard the women call after me as I headed inside the UA gates.

✍︎︎ ✍︎︎ ✍︎︎

"Good work on yesterday's combat training." Aizawa-sensei told us. "I saw the video and results."

"Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid."

I inhaled deeply as I imagined Bakugo's response.

"I know."

Wow, he didn't explode like I thought he would.

"And Midoriya," Aizawa-sensei addressed him. "You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh?"

"You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over," Aizawa-sensei looked down at him. "As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya."

I saw Midoriya brighten up at those words.

"Yes, sir!"

"Now let's get down to homeroom business,," Aizawa-sensei continued on. "Sorry about the late notice, but today I'll have you..."

Please don't be another test...

"...decide on a class representative."

I sighed in relief.

It's actually a normal school activity...

"I want to be class rep! Pick me!"

"Me too!"

"I want to do it, too."

"No pick me!"

"Let me do it!"

Everyone started yelling over each other as they all fought for the spot.

"Silence please!" Iida suddenly yelled. "It's a job with the serious responsibilityof leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you."

"If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

That's a good idea Iida...

"If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves..."

"Don't you think that precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person?" Iida argued. "What do you think, Aizawa-sensei?"

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over." He muttered before falling over in his sleeping bag.

And with that, everyone wrote down their votes.

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