Chapter 5: Where I Stand

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Y/n's POV

50 meters dash huh...

"On your mark...." A robot said "get set..."


They were off.

First up was Iida and a girl with long, green hair.

She kind of reminded me of a frog.

"3.04 seconds!"


I'm guessing from the engines from his legs, Iida's quirk allows him to run pretty fast.

I wonder what I can do for this.

I started brainstorming different ways to cross the finish line as quickly as possible.

I ended up deciding to just propel myself through the air by using the air particles and pushing myself off of them.

Kind of like what the kid Bakugo did.

Except without the smoke and the fire and all that craziness.

"Next up," Aizawa-sensei looked up. "L/n Y/n and Hagakure Tooru."

I got a jolt of anxiety at the sound of my name, but walked up to the starting line nonetheless.

Beside me stood an...invisible girl?

Focus Y/n.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I felt the trillions of air particles beneath my fingers.

Ok, this should be easy.

"On your mark..."

I opened my eyes.

"Get set..."

I flicked my wrist and felt the air tense and bend behind me, slowly building up pressure as they got ready to fling me across the field.

My hand hung loosely at my side.


The moment I heard the noise indicating the start of my test, I clenched my hand into a fist, releasing the load from behind me.

I felt the wind get knocked out of me as I yeeted myself across the finish line, before gathering air beneath me to let me down safely.

"3.23 seconds!"

I inhaled deeply as I heard my score.

Not bad Y/n.

As I walked back to join the others, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"U-um, h-hi! I'm Mi-midoriya and I-uh I was wondering if I could um ask you about your qu-quirk?"

I recognized the poor stuttering mess of a boy as broccoli head from the entrance exam.

"Uh sure, I guess?" I offered him a small smile.

He started interrogating me as he whipped out a notebook and scribbled furiously, all while mumbling to himself.

"Well my quirk is basically air-manipulation. I think you pretty much know what I can do based on the name of my quirk," I chuckled lightly, still a little uncomfortable with this whole ideal. "I can perform actions that lets me bend and use the air particles around me, like form them into objects, for example."

"So does that mean you can fly?"

"Well, I'm still working on that part. You see, it takes a lot of energy and effort to keep myself afloat, since it requires a lot more concentration, but I can manage flying for a short while."

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