Chapter 13: Fight or Flight

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Y/n's POV

He's not dying.

I thought firmly as I ran at full speed towards Aizawa-sensei.

"L/n! Don't!"

I heard Todoroki yell after me as I continued to sprint.

Sorry but... I can't just sit and watch. I'll be fine.

I had no idea what I was going to do once I reached them, but I don't have time to dwell on that.

Suddenly, I saw the blue haired villain jump and reach towards Asui.


I am NOT letting him disintegrate her like he did Aizawa-sensei's elbow.

I stopped for a second, before throwing an arm out and aiming my open palm towards the space in between the two.

Immediately, a gust of air violently blew the villain back, slamming him into the ground away from Asui.

I winced slightly as my fingers tingled numbly from the abruptness of my quirk usage, but I shook it off as I picked up my pace and kept running.

"Why you little..."

I heard the blue haired villain rasp out as he stood.


I heard Midoriya screech as he aggressively punched the villain.

The impact caused me to stumble back as a cloud of dust settled over us.

I coughed and squinted at Midoriya.

Wait a minute...

I frowned as a saw a large figure looming over Midoriya.

Isn't that...

I whipped my head to the direction where Aizawa-sensei was laying.

The bird creature was gone.

I turned back towards Midoriya.

How did he get there so fast?!

I thought incredulously as I saw the monster protecting the blue haired villain.

One look told me Midoriya was thinking the same thing.

All of a sudden, the villain reached towards Asui and Mineta.

No no no.

The bird monster started towards Midoriya.



I swivelled around to locate the source of the noise.

Walking towards us, with his famous smile plastered on his face, was All Might.

Oh my god thank goodness.

I breathed a sigh of relief upon the sight of the number 1 hero.

"It's fine now!" All Might announced as he came to a stop on top of the stairs. "I am here!"

All of my classmates started celebrating slightly and smiled as All Might came to our rescue, but I knew better.

The fight is not over yet.

However, I relaxed a little as All Might rushed the villains and carried Aizawa-sensei away in a flash.

He didn't stop there, he zoomed behind the villains and grabbed Midoriya, Asui and Mineta and placed them next to Aizawa-sensei.

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